Apr 03, 2011 11:34

Well. It's certainly been a while.


What to say.. what to say. I suppose there's a few dedicated readers who still peer on this page..

-Sigh- I guess right now I need my livejournal. This past few weeks has been like.. simply ARGHHH from all aspects in life.

Work wise I have been trailing behind my boss in e-mails. X.X, 200 emails on Monday is just like. Geez. What do you people want from me! Ahaha, I know I know, it's the nature of the industry... but honestly sometimes I feel like it's feeding baby birds. Constantly mommie-job. It would be great if I could keep it decently.

My co-workers tell me, there is another day. I started to try and leave things for the next day... but then something always comes up. Another day is another batch of things to do - so yea. I'm not sure how I'm going to time manage myself in order to take night classes. Oh-ho, just because you graduate doesn't mean that you are satisfied with your education.. more so, yourself.

I really wish I had the conviction to be discipline and do the work. Yes I enjoy drawing. Yes I enjoy painting. Why haven't I done so? I haven't own a proper computer since moving back to Brooklyn. Yes Patt lent me his computer, but that was only a short period of time. My boss gave me my work laptop, brand spankin' new and all. I love it dearly (actually, I think I mope around when the charger wouldn't work and there was no juice.. ) but. Seriously? Photoshop.. I guess I don't have enough RAM? It doesn't work as nearly as smooth as Vivi's comp.. which I think has one of the best monitor's after colour correcting with the eye-one.

Rant bah bah. So I brought home some pantone chips (for those who don't know, they are a very important industry standard in anything to deal with colour... say printing, or dyeing fabrics (in my case at work) or working in digital mediums. After comparing.. it's. Sooo off with my monitor.

-NUDGES WIP- Geez. How many have I started and haven't finish? How many images have I promise at this point without budging? -Sigh-!!! My attention span is so.. lacking. I don't get excited over something images anymore, and it just becomes a chore. Anndddd that's when the image comes our terrible and everyone knows it.

Lately I've been a bit depress. A bit? Well. More so enough to depress some people at work. @.@, sorry client! It was the weekend after the Japan quake.. just. Argh at all ends.

-Hugs- And to my friends who are facing difficulties (lack of better word) in their life? Wish I could help you guys, ;-;

So yea.
Please understand if I just want to curl up in a hole and get some work done. That's the only real way I'd be happy.. work work work and accomplished something great. That's what gives me the giggles.

Oh yes. Sorry I and useless in a club. Social meetings. Meeting people? I just.. okay that's great and all but I feel like I'm wasting time.

And when I do get some "me-time" .. what do I do? Exactly what my boss says... gym, eat chocolate, and just kick back.

It's true.
When you stop working you become an old geez'.
And well, I need to be more active.

Gotta learn how to drive.
Gotta make the finances happy.
Gotta gotta gotta.. I guess this is why role playing is such live in your own little world thing. Man I'd love to start a comic one day... even started to write one up and do the thumbnails. I need a new sketchbook.

So many things to do.
I'm 23. This 'life' isn't perking my interest, and I get why I'm so depress half the time.

Sorry guys to rant.. but livejournal has been my bane for the longest time. For a while it was other people.. but I hate relying on anyone. And I guess I'm bitter in some ways.

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