This is definitely a post that you want to be reading on my own page, and not through your "friends" page. I'll wait as you click on the link
that is provided for you here.
Those of you who are seeing this as the only post... congratulations. You're off the island. You've escaped the clutches of the evil mad scientist. Or more appropriately, you are the weakest link. Good bye. My mind, and therefore this livejournal, is under a new philosophy and new management. The livejournal used to be a place where I could post my thoughts, and only those who truly cared could know. Somehow, people who don't care started coming here though, and began to see these posts without the information that would make most of my rants or complaints have some sense in them. It was like viewing a 3D movie with a bloody eyepatch; it didn't work. Because of this I have had to remove from my friends list ANYONE who I felt didn't need to know about my life, or I felt didn't care. Some of you are thinking right about now that I've become a jerk, and you could be right as far as I know. The point is that you won't be around to witness the growth of that. Could be good or bad or whatever. You can decide, after pretending to care that you've been cut off, whether or not this is good or bad. If you feel somehow that you have been removed from my friends list unjustly, feel free to post your reasons as to why you should not be cut as a comment to this post. I assure you though, no one will be able to give reason as to why you need to know about my thoughts, or my life. You really want to know, then get to know me through other means... and I mean the real me. Then we'll talk.
Those who are reading this simply as the most recent of posts.... congratulations. I consider you to be among my closest friends, trustworthy beyond the common person. I look forward to exploring life with you all....