Jan 03, 2011 01:20
Hello! Reika here! ヽ(*゜▽゜*)ノ
Soooo what am I going to use this blog for?
.......Good question.
I already have two blogs on Blogspot and one on Tumblr.
So far, I only use this one for JRock related stuff. XD
I may or may not start writing stories. I used to a couple of years ago, so my writing skills are shaky. I'm sure I will create something this year.
You may see some icons I designed up sometime this month. I have no idea when I'll do it since I'll be caught up with school. I should be finishing vacation homework right now, but I'm online instead. XD
Don't judge me, you know you do it too. >.>
I'll make an "About Me/Intro" later. I'm not in the "About Me/Intro" mood. *lazy bum*
Until then, see ya!
- K. Reika