Aug 07, 2007 15:01
amorevolous adj 1670 -1670
affectionate; loving
Our father, though amorevolous, could be a strict taskmaster at times.
antipelargy n 1656 -1731
reciprocal or mutual kindness; love and care of children for their parents
Having never received any antipelargy, they wrote their daughter out of the will.
apanthropinization n 1880 -1880
withdrawal from human concerns or the human world
His life as a hermit in the woods was characterized by apanthropinization.
aporrhoea n 1646 -1880
a bodily emanation; an effluvium
The evening's revelries were followed by an unfortunate episode of aporrhoea.
aquabib n 1731 -1883
I was never much of an aquabib, and always preferred harder libations