Nov 09, 2005 22:56
I'll kill you...well, maybe not, but I still think I'd like to kill a lot of people. Simply because their existence adds nothing to anything, and they make my life miserable. Ok, so the last point is really the only thing I care about. I HATE GROUP PROJECTS!!!! I'm sick of group members not replying to email and I'm sick of everyone's schedule being so damned inflexible that only a nuclear disaster could make them miss their fraternity/sorrority/insertrandomorganizationhere meeting. And I hate people who have no lives and want to meet on weekends. And I hate people who think I have nothing better to do than do their project for them. And I hate people who want me to work on a project over my Thanksgiving break because they were too lazy to ANSWER A FUCKING EMAIL! I'll tell you one thing, I'll work on my 304 project up until Wednesday, and then they won't hear a word from me until Sunday when I get back. I have tons of other things to do, and I asked them at the beginning if we could get it done before then. I'm so pissed off. And then this one girl was like, "We didn't answer cuz we're all super busy." MY ASS!! I'm super busy, they don't know the extent of my business because I'm so much busier than they are, not to mention she pushed a project off on me in 303 because she was so busy (only adding to my business) I also had 2 exams and 2 papers due this week, with a huge group project due on Monday that I've been working on...but I can answer an email because...well, I'm not a crybaby! Really, is it all that time-consuming or difficult to type and push send? No. A resounding no.
Adam decided to go play DnD w/the guys tomorrow night instead of hang out w/me. I'm a little disappointed, since we've been planning to hang out for 3 weeks.
I'm also not speaking to my mother because apparently she believes I should have been kicked out for staying out to 2 and 3am last summer w/my new boyfriend! Excuse me for being in love. And apparently what I did was so much worse than everything my brother's doing. I'm sorry, but I'm not on drugs, dealing, or drinking (Don't drink at all, actually.) I'm 20 years old, almost 21, and I'm not pregnant, I'm going to UIUC, and I'm doing extremely well. Yeah...I'm worse than my brother.
I'm also a little worried about going home this weekend since I'm not speaking to her, and I hear that little Megan is at our house everyday, and I can't handle that. I can't be OK w/a girl that made one of my ex's cheat on me and then hurt Tiffany being in my house.