Different (8/32?), Saga/Tora

Sep 02, 2011 21:49

Title: Different
Author: darkfeathers84
Chapter: (8/32?)
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: alice nine, the GazettE
Pairings: Saga/Tora, later more
Genre: Humor, Romance, later Drama
Warnings: malexmale
Disclaimers: I don’t own alice nine or the GazettE. Unfortunately.
Summary: Damn, how was he supposed to get better in an infirmary when he constantly got jelly knees there? (Saga as student with Tora as school doctor)
Comments: At the bottom.

(Chapter 01)
(Chapter 02)
(Chapter 03)
(Chapter 04)
(Chapter 05)
(Chapter 06)
(Chapter 07)
Chapter 08

The brunette man quickly got out of Tora's black car, looking around nervously. He would get to see the doctor's apartment and probably spend two or three hours there... yes, that certainly was a reason to be nervous although he was really curious to see how the raven-haired lived. He looked up at the building in front of which they stood. Hmm, nothing special. A house just like all the other buildings here, although this one seemed a bit more modern. Perhaps it had been renovated recently.

"So, are you actually planning on coming up with me? I mean, you can keep standing there if you want...“, he was pulled from his thoughts when he heard the older man's voice. "I want to stay here, I think.", Saga replied with a wry grin, but followed him anyways. "I hope you're athletic... the elevator is broken, unfortunately", the taller one said with a smile and took several stages with one step, forcing Saga to rush after him. "Of course I am“, he answered confidently, trying to suppress his gasps.

When they finally reached their destination, the fifth floor, he simply felt dead and leaned against the wall, breathless, while Tora opened the door to his apartment. Of course, the fifth floor wasn't too high up, but the pace at which he had to run after the dark-haired man... had just been a bit too much for him. Besides, he wasn't in his best shape, after all, he had been beaten up just a few hours ago. God, this truly had been a tough day. First, Ruki's anger, now this marathon and soon just being around the attractive doctor. Without getting a heart attack, preferably.

Somehow, he just wanted to sleep now and simply forget this day. However, this probably wouldn't happen. But then again... well, maybe he could doze a little during the movie. The other man surely wouldn't notice. “I'll get you a glass of water, you sporting ace“, the elder said with a smirk and went to the kitchen. Saga nodded silently and finally ventured into the living room, or at least where he suspected it to be. His curiosity beat his weariness. A cat greeted him with soft mewing, as he entered the room. He smiled briefly. Too cute... After fondling the little furball behind the ears, he strove forward on his way.

He looked around, astonished: the walls of the room were mostly painted white, only one sparkled in a bright, purple hue. The black carpet contrasted with the white walls. The furniture was contemporary, with a large equally purple sofa in the middle and a small table of glass. On the purple wall, there stood a large white shelf with purple drawers and a television placed in the largest compartment. On both sides of the shelf hung big mirrors, one on each side. They were simple, without any special adornments. Someone seems to have a hidden voyeuristic side, he thought to himself. He was sure that one sitting on the sofa could surely watch himself in these mirrors. Besides these aspects, Tora was also probably the cleanliest person he knew. Everything was tidy and in perfect order while Saga's room was... well, the opposite.

He turned around, wanting to see more of the apartment, but then spotted a large photo collage on one of the white walls. Curious, he walked over, taking a look at each picture individually. Hmm... he discovered some photos with Tora holding a guitar. Maybe he had once played in a band, he wondered to himself. There were other pictures, probably from his time as a student, as he could often see a huge building in the background which suspiciously looked like a university.

The doctor also had many friends, he noticed. Many of these photos showed him laughing with various people, however, most of them only appearing in one or two pictures. However, there was one young man with a beaming smile who's face was in almost every picture. He seemed fashionable, having a different hair color and fancy, but more feminine clothes in almost every snap. Because of these different hair colors, he could hardly recognize him on some pictures, however, his dashing smile always betrayed him. He gave the impression of a nice and friendly guy, popular with all kinds of people.

Some pictures showed this man linking arms with Tora, or pressing a kiss on the doctor's cheek, amusing the raven-haired man. The brunette raised an eyebrow. Seriously, who was that guy? He had to be rather close to the older man or he wouldn't cling that much to him. It couldn't be that weird guy he got to know at the Blackmail. That bitchy one. It was someone else... was the cheshire cat Tora's boyfriend? Well, everything was possible, after having witnessed the dancing doctor. In any case, these two seemed to have known each other for a long time.

“Ah, yeah, make yourself at home. Chicken has probably already welcomed you, I suppose?“, he suddenly heard the other's voice and jumped in alarm. “The cat? Yeah... it's a really cute one“, he tried to say as calm as possible. „And I was just looking at these pictures...“, he explained himself and accepted the glass of water the taller man handed to him. Tora, now close behind him, joined him then: “It's alright. This collage has always been an eye-catcher... so what interesting things did you discover?“, the elder asked with the usual smile on his lips. “Who's that? He's on almost every picture...“, Saga blurted out as he pointed to one of the photos of the unknown young man.

Tora looked at him a little skeptical, but then answered willingly: "This is Shou, my best friend. Please, don't ask why he's on almost every photo... I have absolutely no idea how he does it, but as soon as he sees a camera, he appears out of nowhere and pushes himself on every damn picture...“ The brunette agreed with him, in relief that the man was 'just' the best friend: "Well, yes, it does seem like he's some camera addict...“ The taller man had to laugh at this: “Yes he is... maybe that's why he became a model a few years ago.“ Saga's eyes widened in surprise, his gaze switching back and forth between the pictures with Shou. “Uh, wow? Well, that was unexpected. Although he is really pretty, that's true... his smile is very nice and open“, he admitted, taking a sip of water.

“I like yours better“, the elder suddenly confessed but then hastily turned around, walking over to the sofa. Saga choked on the water and began to cough, tortured. “Uhm... what... did you... just say?“, he tried to ask but got repeatedly interrupted by his cough. With a red face, he turned to his tormentor, waiting for a logical response. At least, he now had a good excuse for his blush which he - of course - only had because of his near-suffocation. Not because he was embarrassed. “What movie do you want to watch?“, his question got skillfully ignored. Saga only puffed his cheeks and tossed an evil look to the taller man. Tora however only chuckled quietly and slid a disk into the DVD player.

Then he went to the couch and pushed the glass table to the side but not out of reach. Then the elder fumbled around on the sofa until it finally snapped apart, now offering a larger lying surface. He then left again and -after a few moments- returned with some snacks, laying them onto the table. The smaller man just watched him silently, still with a grim face. Only when the raven-haired man laid down on the couch, he finally bothered to answer, patting on the free spot next to him: „Saga. Never ask to repeat a compliment. It destroys the whole effect and the one I just achieved had simply been too good. And now sit and watch.“ Saga did what he was told and laid down next to the other, providing a security gap between them.

“I didn't like the 'effect' since I nearly died due to suffocation, in case you didn't notice“, he responded sulkily as his cheeks slowly returned to a more normal color. “Ah, don't worry... I'm a doctor after all. One mouth-to-mouth-resuscitation and you would have been on your feet again“, the dark-haired man grinned with a sly glint in his eyes. With 'mouth-to-mouth' however, Tora scored another blush from Saga. The brunette gave the guilty man a dig with his elbow. “You idiot...“, he muttered. He certainly would have passed out if the doctor had done that. As punishment, he now tried to ignore the man next to him, fully concentrating on the movie which had just begun.

Action movie, he thought with relief. God, a romantic comedy or some tearjerker... he wouldn't have survived that. Now he wouldn't have to put too much an effort to follow the story because a plot simply didn't exist. He just stared at the TV and pretended to absolutely love this movie and be upper excited for it. Soon enough he surely would get his chance and drift into sleep without getting caught. The movie was boring enough to let him sleep a bit. However, there was this being beside him which almost begged for his attention without even realizing it. Damn, these mirrors were unbearable! It didn't bother him that he was always able to see himself in the corner of his eyes but it turned out to be far more difficult to avert his eyes from the other person shown in the mirror. Argh, he just wanted to take a nap! He should have known that Tora was such a distraction.

“Saga...“, after a few minutes of silence, he was, again, torn from his thoughts. The younger man now allowed himself to turn his gaze from the television to the taller man next to him. “Hmm?“ was his clever answer. “You know, I'm actually a nice guy... I don't bite, I swear“, the doctor suddenly exclaimed without coherence. “Unless you want me to, of course“, he then winked at him cheekily. Uhh, what the hell was he talking about? Saga just looked at the elder, puzzled. “What I'm trying to say is... it's somehow strange to watch a DVD with someone who is sitting like...a thousand feet away and - well - now I was wondering, if that is my fault?“, he then came straight to the point. Huh? Thousand feet away? The brunette man raised an eyebrow, still not quite understanding what the other man was driving at. Tora then grinned at him, noticing his confusion and finally pointed to the gap yawning between them.

Uhm... oh. He hadn't realized that he was so close to falling of the sofa. His little 'security gap' hadn't been so 'little' as expected. “Oh, uh, sorry...“, he murmured awkwardly and then shifted a bit closer to the elder who then just rolled his eyes. “What?“, Saga asked, still baffled. “Really, you can trust me. I still don't bite.“ At one go, Tora suddenly pulled him closer, so their bodies lightly touched on the sides. Uhmm, what? He seriously had to wonder how the hell he had gotten himself into this weird situation and how he would get out of this. It was impossible to move away again because he just knew how rude it would be if he continued to persist on the distance. However, the distraction already had been enough when he could only see the other man in the mirror and now he could even feel that soft skin brushing his arm. Too bad for him that they were both wearing short sleeve shirts.

Well, maybe he did like to exaggerate... it wasn't as if they were glued to each other. They were just sitting next to each other in a rather normal position. It was just a light touch which waxed and waned constantly with their breathing. However, this feather-light touch nearly made him go crazy! He huffed, trying to stare to the television with full concentration, earning an amused glance from the raven-haired man who then returned to watching the movie, too.

Half an hour later he managed to relax slowly and come to terms with his current position. With the movie, however, he certainly didn't want to come to terms! God, and usually he'd be sure that some action flick would at least offer what the name promised: action. Oddly, there wasn't too much of it. Meanwhile, his fatigue had returned and he gradually had to struggle with keeping his eyes open.

Should he try it? The mirrors certainly were a risk factor for him to be caught but it seemed like the doctor was fully focussing on watching the movie, not paying too much attention to Saga. Hmm... what should he do? He didn't want to sleep through the whole movie, anyway. He only needed a short nap... his day really had been tough and after being beaten earlier, he really deserved said nap! Okay, he wasn't heavily injured or anything... he was just exhausted. Ten, twenty minutes wouldn't harm anyone, right? Agreeing with this, he closed his eyes, drifting off faster than expected. He didn't even perceive anymore that his head was quietly tilting to the side, finally falling on a comfortable cushion.

Uhh, yeah. =_= I'm sorry and I hate myself for the delay. Nevertheless, I hope you liked this chapter ;//; Its the first time we hear about Shou... and yes, I can tell you he's going to appear soon AND he'll be important. ^^ Hope you forgive me for my lateness >//< Comments are LOVED as always <'3

saga/tora, alice nine, fanfiction, reita/ruki, the gazette

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