Oct 06, 2005 23:39
I must apologize to some of my friends for my absense. I said I needed to get away.. and well.. I've had no choice the past few days anyway. XD Being a senior zoo student is making life busier for me. I had a mock interview today. That was... interesting. I was nervous as heck while trying to prepare myself. Had to make sure I looked sharp. I was the first one to be interviewed. See.. we were interviewing for one of the staff member's jobs. And I said I would die if that person ending up doing the interviewing. Well guess what. XD; She was there. Good thing I feel that she likes me. n_n; I did okay.. but I need work. Although I was told that I did well in explaining some points and that I was articulate. o_O But apparently I'm way too honest.. especially when being asked what my faults were. I focused on the bad instead of the good. So that's something I need to remember, and I think I will. We were each asked what we would do with a certain scenario. A zoo visitor teasing chimps and shouting obscenities... we had to explain what we would do. Apparently I was the only one who noticed that the visitor was shouting obscenities. XD; So it was good... but of course it wasn't going to be perfect.
Last night was a Boo at the Zoo meeting. There's less than a month till that.. and I'll likely be working on lots of Boo at the Zoo projects in my spare time.. including my costume. Making an Okapi costume will be really challenging. Not to mention there's that Sesshomaru costume to make still. Gonna be working on those costumes heavily this weekend.. so I likely won't be around. Teresa's parents are coming down, and her mom is good with material. I'll be making them some enchiladas I will. n_n
Oh... did I mention that Teresa ended up recording over one of my evangelion tapes? XD; That were recorded from DVDs? Well Its getting replaced by an official EVA tape. Can't argue with that. XD
Le sigh... Tuesday is an Ethics test... blah. I hate that class. Thursday another Ethics paper is due. Oh! I had a mammal culture test yesterday too. I think it went alright. It inspired me to draw one of the animals on the test.. a Chapman's zebra. They're so cool.. with their ghost stripes and all. I gave it to Jack, but I did scan it if anyone is curious. Maybe I'll upload it into my DA scraps. I can tell the four different species of zebra apart now. n_n