On Vox: you and me dance...

Jun 24, 2007 12:35

cliche as this seems "something has changed with in, something is not the same." its amazing how much i continue to change. it's like i am in a deep sleep. then all of the sudden i awake. and it's like why didn't i see things like that before. but one thing that stills plagues my mind, is how and why are people comfortable with things being so monatonous and boreing, dont' they want change? new experiances? my brothers girlfriend told me the other day, some great phillospher (sorry can't remember his name, show's you how smart i am) said, only the curious have something to  find.

now another thing, dance practice wish me luck i hope i get the routine down. i will be preforming in gay pride i will have my roomate record and i will post it on youtube =), i am excited, also, its going to be on tv. which people all over san diego are going to see me shake it!! my time to shine! leo! bitches .lol.

Originally posted on darkfairy.vox.com
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