Jan 12, 2006 18:12
Ok, so I need critiques and ideas for a title. Any comment would be appreciated. <3
Fluorescent lights gleamed as we walked
I felt your fingers brush mine
And your eyes burning a hole through me
The warmth of summer draped my body as we exited to the parking lot
Tension began to build in my neck
We reached your car and got inside
I made you listen to Bright Eyes
And you pretended to enjoy every minute of it
My eyes darted aimlessly
But you were all I wanted to see
You began to drive
And I think you looked at me
More than you looked at the road
I invited you inside
And you followed me to the couch that would eventually
Remind me of you
You laid down next to me and
I've never felt so comfortable
With someone else's face an inch from mine
The night began to close in around us
So you left me
With a perfect memory