Fair Game AU May 17, 1928:
Black Coffee: "Come out of the shadows, miss, you look like a child caught red-handed," Holly said, and Carrie complied. "Ah. One out of two's not bad for a first try, hm?" Holly, Carrie. 1038 words.
Fair Game AU June 2, 1930:
A Good Man is Hard to Find: Cliff is presented with a choice that's really an ultimatum. Cliff. 98 words.
Fair Game AU January 19, 1933:
Romance in the Dark: People die, and Holly gets lucky. She tries not to think about that, though. Holly, Lysander, Lysander/Holly.
Fair Game AU April 7, 1933:
The Wrong Kind of Drafted: The year is 1933, and Cyprian's floristry, once the most requested in the Midwest, is failing horribly. Then along comes a blonde bombshell with a silver tongue and a Colt .45, and life gets a lot worse. Lenore, Cyprian.
Fair Game AU April 7, 1933:
The Trouble With Kidnapping: Jack Briggs really wishes he had a straight job some days, and Carrie is an unfathomable well of something (and occasionally menace). Jack, Carrie. 1049 words.
May 9-July 23, 2262:
Skins and Names: "Yuriya may prefer a human shape, but that does not in any way make her a human girl. You should probably keep that in mind, Likely." Yuriya Sakuragi, Thomas Likely. 685 words.
September 14, 2263: Mashiro Yuuki born to Daisuke and Yumeka Yuuki.
October 9, 2277: Helene Violeta Mossing born to Martin and Constanza Mossing in Berge, Honningstrand, Helligront.
November 10, 2281: Lysandro Melman born to Leodane Alexandro Melman "Faure the Sage" and Clarace "Empyrea" Melman.
June 18, 2284: Valentio Raphael Archibaldi born to and Rose and Raffaelo Archibaldi in Dannareth, Tempscire, Volacoeur. His biological father, Leodane Alexandro Melman (King Faure IV), remained ignorant of his existence for the next three years and nonchalant until the Dannareth massacre.
December 19, 2288: Cygnelius Corvo is born is Alcionus Corvo and Meredith Corvo, nee Glass, in Frutsmoarg, Grennauld, Volacoeur.
March 24, 2289: Holly Muriel Asher is born to the unwed, Librarian sister-in-training Joanna Asher in Arethusa, Waltonshire, Great and Righteous Empire of Lorfines (technically).
May 28, 2289:
Parallelogram: "Joanna Asher tries to improve her daughter's vocabulary." Joanna, Arnadia, Holly. 100 words.
August 3, 2296:
Pieces of Lucia: Lucia Brevin, sister of the Librarian order and mentor to the Asher girls, dies in her sleep. Lucia, Holly, Sofia, Inlarie, Arnadia, Joanna. 500 words.
December 23, 2296:
The Roles We Play: Helene discovers Vera Zahl's infidelity. Helene, Vera. 661 words.
February 16, 2297:
Sigillum Fatalis: Holly successfully receives Largessa's Mark. Holly, Largessa. 1067 words.
February 16, 2297:
Largessa's Web: Largessa sees Holly and does not. 100 words.
February 18, 2297:
Imaginary Predator: Holly becomes aware of her psychic connection to Helene, and vice versa. Arnadia, Holly. 100 words.
March 19, 2299:
The Hidden Stars: Valentio meets his half-brother and cousin Lysandro for the first time. Valentio, Lysandro.
March 20, 2299:
For the Lulz: Or, the only reason Helene ever does anything. Helene. 100 words.
May 2, 2299:
Masochism: Valentio and Cygnelius meet for the first time. Cygnelius, Valentio. 100 words.
May 17, 2299:
The Swan or the Crow?: Valentio and Cygnelius become friends.
August 12, 2299:
Fears of the Son: Cygnelius is old enough now to understand his father moved on long ago. He doesn't know if he'll ever be old enough to be okay with it. Cygnelius. 192 words.
April 30, 2300:
Thirteen Shadows: "It would be such a cliche if it wasn't happening to her." Miskatova Grandiva, Seven.
December 23, 2300:
Mercilessly: Vera keeps in touch with Helene. Helene/Vera. 100 words.
July 6, 2301:
Inadvisable: "Valentio is peripherally aware that his friendship with Cygnelius is vaguely troubling, but he's even more aware that he really, really doesn't care." Valentio, Cygnelius. 1799 words.
January 15, 2302:
The Evaluation of Dr. Cygnelius Corvo, 15: Cyg is evaluated for delusions of grandeur, and tries to clear his name. The story of how Cyg was Branded, from the point of view of young Cyg. RBF, & references minor character from BFTS.
April 22, 2304:
This Dream Will Not Remember Me: Capricia, Seven. Advance warning that one's life is about to change does not necessarily ease along the transition. 100 words.
April 23, 2304:
Severance: Capricia Viordi assassinates King Faure the Sage and claims his throne for Apollo Merces, Lysandro goes into hiding (ages gotten a tad wrong). 100 words.
April 25, 2304:
Submission: Valentio lives. Apollo Merces ascends. Valentio. 100 words.
December 1, 2304:
Buried Alive: Lysandro is one with the cold tonight. Lysandro. 100 words.
February 2, 2305:
Ducks to You: Cygnelius appears to have a fondness for the relentlessly, stupidly noble type, and Melmans in particular. Cygnelius, Lysandro. 100 words.
September 2, 2305:
Waking Up to Us (PR Nightmare Remix): How Valentio ended up in Cygnelius's bed instead of his own, and the morning after. Valentio, Cygnelius. 710 words.
March 12, 2306:
For a Smile: "Sometime in the past seven years, Valentio was able to connect the dots and realize that the Cygnelius he'd first befriended wasn't coming back." Valentio, Cygnelius. 738 words.
May 7, 2308:
Runs in the Family: Cygnelius discovers his half-sister Lizzie. Cygnelius, Valentio, Lizzie.
May 15, 2308:
Redemption (You're Doing It Wrong): Capricia deserts the war, turns pacifist. Capricia, Seven. 100 words.
June 29, 2308: War of Ascension ends, with Lysandro the clear victor.
July 17, 2308:
Ambiguously Happy Stick Men in Profile: Lysandro begins painting after the war of ascension ends, and Valentio thinks it's hilarious. Lysandro, Cygnelius, Valentio. 100 words.
October 6, 2309:
Checkmate: Cygnelius and Valentio begin having ~relations~.
October 22, 2309:
Tuesday: Helene has these moments, sometimes. Lucidity isn't quite the right word. Helene. 100 words.
November 16, 2319:
The Question: Holly is always asked the same questions, and none of them are the right ones. Holly. 100 words.
August 28, 2321:
The Hand Which Hides the Sun: Hedda tells her children the story of her sister Helene's descent into insanity.
March 10, 2322:
The Sun Brings the Nightmare: Helene breaks anew with the dawn, and wakes to dream of tearing Holly Asher to bits with the sharp, fragile edges of her. Helene. 100 words.
March 17, 2322:
Strangers: The story proper begins. Holly, Rienne.
March 17, 2322:
Job Demands: Cygnelius offers Holly a job at the Capital. For a given value of "offer." Also, Valentio keeps things light, where light is a synonym for "gay." Holly, Cygnelius, Valentio.
March 17, 2322:
Midday Sunlight: Holly says goodbye to Arethusa, and Sofia knows all. Holly, Sofia.
March 17-18, 2322:
It Began By a Fireside Bright: And where it ends, nobody knows. Holly, Cygnelius, Valentio.
March 30, 2376:
The Great Largo Caprice in the Sky: Valentio is dying. Cygnelius is not. But he made a promise a long time ago, and he intends to keep it. Cygnelius, Valentio, Cygnelius/Valentio.
November 15, 3180: Ragnar Merridan born to Yurieth and Clementine Merridan in Nilheim, Honningstrand, Sangria.
June 5, 3185: Jaida Lenore Ames is born to Theodore Bai and Morena Ames-Bai in Amlaine, Ludmoor, Harland.
January 27, 3187: Cyprian Mellodeth Corvo, born to Lauren and Morgraven Corvo in Koinuma's Garden, Wyrmhaven, Demonia.
October 19, 3187: Kristen Morrow born to Mindy and Horace Morrow in the Revelers' Row district of Strathclyde, Ludmoor, Harland.
October 4, 3189: Rue Elharcourtin born to Shemhazai and Adair Elharcourtin.
August 18, 3192: Heathcliff Knight born to Emery Matveyev Knight and Maevren Knight, nee Grey, in Daldain, Ludmoor, Harland.
January 29: 3191-April 19, 3210:
How Does Your Garden Grow: Cyprian Corvo and greenery throughout his life. Cyprian.
January 10, 3191:
Horticulture Shock: Little!Cyprian thinks you would be surprised to learn that many people offend flowers without even knowing it. And, very possibly, bored. It's true; no one respects the little people (or, as the case may be, the big people). Cyprian. 100 words.
February 23, 3194:
Win or Lose: A look into Jaida's childhood. Jaida has always been considered annoying, but even she can respect some things. Jaida. 100 words.
June 1, 3194:
Five Revelations: Ragnar kills his first human being.
June 5, 3196:
Her Mother's Daughter: Jaida comes into her power as a mystic; Theo and Morena Bai are murdered. Jaida, Morena.
September 14, 3198:
Plastic: Cliff recalls his first love, and she recalls him. 100 words.
September 9, 3201:
The Road to Shang (Is Paved With Perverts): It's really not young Cyprian's fault he looks like a girl, but at least he tries to defy stereotypes. Some people, on the other hand, just wallow in them. Cyprian.
September 10, 3201-May 11, 3210:
Nine Days: Kristen's life, from her pseudo-kidnapping from her home in Strathclyde to her planning to escape her life in Daldain. Kristen, Cliff, Reynaldo.
October 24, 3203:
Nothing But Blue Skies Do I See: Rue lies with a comrade on a red field. Rue. 100 words.
September 20, 3204:
Memento Egi: Cyprian and his snowbell arrive in Frutsmoarg, and Cyprian remembers. Cyprian, snowbell. 953 words.
June 20, 3209:
Waiting, Impatiently: Jaida has no love for snow. Jaida, Jaida/male. 100 words.
March 2, 3210:
Flowers For Your Grave: Cliff and Cyprian meet for the first time. Cliff, Cyprian. 97 words.
March 12, 3210:
Like Someone in Love: Cliff really wishes he could stop smiling like an idiot, but he sort of can't help it. Cliff/Kristen. 100 words.
March 30, 3210:
Conquer: The Battle For the Sun story proper begins. Ragnar, Mashiro. 736 words.
April 1, 3210:
Landscaping: Ragnar tries therapy by way of arts 'n crafts. Ragnar. 100 words.
April 3, 3210:
Bella Donna Amongst the Belladonnas: Cyprian has seen nothing like them since he entered the city. Cyprian, Cliff, Kristen. 1339 words.
April 3, 3210:
Courage and Stupidity and Soup: Cyprian gets a pair of uninvited guests and feels compelled to preach the obvious to the short-bus choir. Somewhere along the way, values are revealed, and all three are idiots. Cyprian, Cliff, Kristen. 1146 words.
April 4, 3210:
I Dreamed at Night of Growing Wings: And suddenly she's flying. Kristen, Cliff, Cyprian. 165 words.
April 4, 3210:
Unless First a Dream: Cliff and Kristen go running off ahead in a fit of unbearable sugary cuteness, and some trees are just too tempting not to sleep under, even at the risk of irking said tree's fairy colony when you telepathically connect with Tall, Pale, and Bishounen while you slumber. Wait, what? Cyprian, Cliff, Kristen, Ragnar. 1547 words.
April 4, 3210:
The Way of Things: This was the way the world Earth ended and the way Anharo became a world of humans, and the way in which the mystics became scarce. And there will be a way the future goes, a song for a bright and foggy morning in a world not unlike this one, but Cyprian has forgotten the words to that one. Cyprian, Cliff, Kristen. 1464 words.
April 5, 3210:
The Side Effects of Tequila: Cyprian can't come to terms with why he isn't wearing clothes. Cyprian can't remember how many shots of tequila he had. Cyprian can't account for why Kristen and Cliff are naked in his bed. Cyprian can't believe this shit. Cyprian, Kristen, Cliff. 910 words.
April 5, 3210:
Dangerous Things: It all goes terribly wrong. Cyprian can't catch a break, but he can catch a horn. Right in his stomach. Painful death is imminent, and an unfortunate addition to the group is made. Cyprian, Cliff, Kristen, Jaida. 3286 words.
April 6, 3210:
Friendship From Spite: The first time another human being ever scared Jaida, it was with kindness. Jaida, Kristen, Cyprian. 955 words.
April 8, 3210:
What a Little Moonshine Can Do: It's nearly midnight when everything begins to shine. Cliff/Kristen. 100 words.
April 8, 3210:
Conversations With Ghosts: During a night of hard drinking to celebrate his newly rediscovered health, Cyprian meets Purance Everilda Crossell, twenty-third Duchess of Amlaine. Which would be just dandy, if she hadn't killed herself three hundred years ago, but nobody's perfect, and Cyprian can hardly judge - especially if he can't actually pronounce "judge." Cyprian, Purance. 2169 words.
April 10, 3210:
The Five Uses of Love-Lies-Bleeding (And One Reason They Will Remain Unknown): Cyprian reunites with a man he's loved and killed for, and then gets drafted along with his group and the love of his life into a mini-war against vampires. Also, Kristen learns a lesson and teaches it too, and somebody dies. A lot of somebodies die. But you don't care about that. After all, this is, at its essence, a story about living and humanity. It just happens that life and death tend to cross paths quite often. They meet at the end of every path, in fact. Cyprian, Kristen, Sorensen, Cliff, Jaida.
April 14, 3210:
Heart's Desire: Jaida has fun with an undead adversary. Jaida, Mashiro, Cyprian, Cliff, Kristen. 1517 words.
April 16, 3210:
Healing Hands: Jaida heals Kristen. Jaida, Kristen. 100 words.
April 20, 3210:
A Moral Dilemma: Or, a pointless little interlude I suggest you skip. Cyprian, Kristen, Cliff. 100 words.
April 20, 3210:
Cold Authority: Kristen asks the group to stop off at Strathclyde, city of vice, and some parents barely resemble the title. Cyprian, Kristen, Cliff, Jaida. 3556 words.
April 20, 3210:
(Not) The Greatest Escape Ever: In which there is quite a lot of running away. Jaida, Kristen, Cyprian, Cliff.
April 21, 3210:
The Feline Menace: In which there is a general weakness for kitten babies. Cyprian, Cliff, Kristen, Jaida.
April 22, 3210:
An Interlude: Being a contest of gaydars over lunch in Soonah. Jaida, Cyprian.
April 22, 3210:
Silver and Gold: Cliff is living the dream. Unfortunately, that dream includes Jaida, but even she's not all bad. Mostly. Cliff, Jaida. 180 words.
April 23, 3210:
Darkest Hour: Or, the plot hits the fan. Cyprian, Mashiro, Ragnar.
April 23, 3210:
Diss From a Rose: Cyprian is kicked while he's down by something that doesn't even have feet. Cyprian, roses. 100 words.
April 23, 3210:
A Night on the Town Satyr: Jaida always has the last laugh, full stop. Jaida, roses, unrequited Jaida/male.
April 24-May 9, 3210:
There's a Great Black Wave in the Middle of the Sea (For Me): To say the ocean is unpleasant to Cyprian would be a woefully inadequate understatement. Cyprian.
Morning in May AU May 1, 3687:
Sometimes You Are the Villain (Eternity is Burning): And sometimes you're too sick of monochrome morality to really care. Righteousness is not an immutable virtue, and you don't have to be a mortal man to make a deal with the devil.
Epic Death AU:
Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies: Everybody dies; this is how it could have happened, and might yet. Battle For the Sun main cast. 5834 words.
Epic Death AU:
And All That Time I Was Silent Still: What they would have said if they'd had the time. Battle For the Sun main cast.
Vampire Apocalypse AU:
A Bang and a Whimper: One of the many possible futures: the sun rose from the wreckage of a dark and stormy night and humankind did not follow. Cyprian.
Unknown Dates:
Born at Rock Bottom: Seven and Capricia Viordi, the assassin and the woman, at war with one another. Capricia.
Unknown Date:
Scar Tissue: Mashiro exists because, deep below the surface, he remembers his people when nobody else does. Mashiro. 100 words.
Rose Hips Binge:
The Language of Flowers As Understood By Cyprian M. Corvo: Or, flowers are people, too. 1500 words.
Unfortunate Implications Ensue: Capricia kisses a frog. Or, why wandering past the alchemists' huts without proper protection is a bad thing.
Spider and Fly: Helene kills Vera's boyfriend.