Holly Asher, powerful mystic and the destiny goddess Largessa's Branded, was raised in a library - not just a library, but the library, St. Arethusa International Convent and Library. Nearly all of her life experiences took place in Arethusa, and she'd love nothing more than to keep going like that. Just when Holly begins to assume Largessa's brand means nothing, an old annoyance returns to her library, Branded by a powerful god and demanding her help. When a series of astounding coincidences reveal the key to the greatest and most complete library of all time, and consequently to the answer to the war that has raged between Draconians and humans for three centuries, she has no choice but to answer the call of Largessa and begin the quest to end the Great War.
Very Butterscotch Pieces
Skins and Names: Rhubarb 16: I think I feel a song coming on, Peanut Butter 3: wind/air,Cantaloupe 18: a better mousetrap, Butterscotch (May 9-July 23, 2262)
August 31, 2289 HE-February 16, 2322 HE (Pre-Story)
Parallelogram: Rocky Road 13: library/study, Whipped Cream, Pocky
Pieces of Lucia: Blue Raspberry 15: a procession, Chocolate Chip Mint 4: hollow, Rocky Road 9: basement, Malt
The Roles We Play: Helene will remember forever what nobody else will in a year. (Featuring Helene as a sane person.) 661 words.
Sigillum Fatalis: White Chocolate 22: lethargy, Blue Raspberry 13: impostor, Whipped Cream, Malt
Largessa's Web: Rhubarb 9: oh, what a tangled web we weave, Cantaloupe 5: good sport, Pocky, Cookie Crumbs, Sprinkles
The Roles We Play: Gingerbread 30: true love's kiss, Cheesecake 29: I'm through with playing by the rules of someone else's game, Blackberry 17: sticky fingers, Malt, Hot Fudge, Butterscotch
Imaginary Predator: Holly begins hearing the voice of a strange woman soon after being Marked by Largessa. Holly is still quite sane; the lady in her brain, on the other hand. Holly, Arnadia. 100 words.
The Hidden Stars: Pralines & Cream 4: four star, Cantaloupe 17: big brother, Whipped Cream
Thirteen Shadows: Cantaloupe 25: behind bars, Rocky Road 16: where it all happened, Blue Raspberry 27: a hint, Malt
Masochism: Watermelon 21: going my way?, Pocky, Whipped Cream
The Swan or the Crow?: Watermelon 5: sound the alarm, White Chocolate 23: exasperation, Pralines & Cream 17: hard-boiled, Whipped Cream
Fears of the Son: White Chocolate 18: anxiety, Cherry, Whipped Cream
Severance: Chocolate Chip Mint 23: imposing, Pocky
Inadvisable: Rhubarb 6: have I ever told you about the time..., Blackberry 13: circumstantial evidence, Whipped Cream, Malt
The Evaluation of Dr. Cygnelius Corvo, 15: White Chocolate 20: arrogance, Blue Raspberry 9: wrongly accused, Pralines & Cream 28: change of pace, Malt, Whipped Cream, Cherry
Waking Up to Us (PR Nightmare Remix): Watermelon 9: slip of the tongue, Cantaloupe 27: throw the book, Rocky Road 5: bedroom (rated R)
Buried Alive: Lysandro is one with the cold tonight. 100 words.
Ducks to You: Cygnelius appears to have a fondness for the relentlessly, stupidly noble type, and Melmans in particular. Cygnelius, Lysandro. 100 words.
For a Smile: Rocky Road 18: a garden, Cherry
Runs in the Family: Blue Raspberry 3: fast food/takeout, Rocky Road 8: attic, Chocolate Chip Mint 6: battered, Malt
Redemption (You're Doing It Wrong): Chocolate Chip Mint 28: lumpy, Blue Raspberry 10: in bad taste, Pocky, Malt
Ambiguously Happy Stick Men in Profile: Lysandro begins painting after the war of ascension ends, and Valentio thinks it's hilarious. Lysandro, Cygnelius, Valentio. 100 words.
Born at Rock Bottom: Rocky Road 22: a grave, Cantaloupe 11: all wound up, Chocolate Chip Mint 5: vulnerable
Checkmate: Rhubarb 29: so what else is new?, Peanut Butter 5: wood, Rocky Road 22: a meeting place, Cherry, Malt
Tuesday: Helene has these little moments sometimes, but lucidity isn't quite the right term. 100 words.
The Question: Chocolate Chip Mint 8: incessant, Rhubarb 20: what do you have there?, Pocky
The Hand Which Hides the Sun : Gingerbread 1: once upon a time, Mango 9: your attention, please, Rhubarb 19: we have ways of making you talk, Rainbow Sprinkles, Hot Fudge, Cherry, Malt
The Sun Brings the Nightmare: Mango 21: resting my eyes, Blackberry 25: repeat offender, Pocky, Hot Fudge
March 17, 2322 HE - ?? (Main Story)
Strangers: Pralines & Cream 10: nest egg, White Chocolate 12: compassion, Watermelon 13: don't talk to strangers
Job Demands: White Chocolate 29: levity, Watermelon 2: it's all coming back to me, Pralines & Cream 7: under the weather
Midday Sunlight: Watermelon 17: what are you waiting for?, Cantaloupe 4: gray hairs, Blue Raspberry 7: handshake, Malt
It Began By a Fireside Bright: Mango 11: seeing is believing, Blackberry 22: blow the whistle, Cheesecake 20: It's no great art, gettin' the heart of a man, Malt
The Great Largo Caprice in the Sky: Blue Raspberry 29: front row seat, Rocky Road 21: my favorite place, Caramel, Malt
Sometimes You Are the Villain (Eternity is Burning): And sometimes you're too sick of monochrome morality to really care. Righteousness is not an immutable virtue, and you don't have to be a mortal man to make a deal with the devil. Cygnelius. 419 words.
Chained: Pralines & Cream 11: snake eyes, Cranberry 16: the devil, Banana
Late Night Reading: Cranberry 10: the hermit, Banana
In Darkness Waits: Cranberry 17: the tower, Rocky Road 30: left in the dark, Cherry, Banana
Absolution: Cranberry 21: judgment, Cantaloupe 29: trial by fire, Banana, Cherry
Ways Valentio Melman is Like the Repo Man #'s 4-4.5: Cantaloupe 19: for a song, Chocolate Chip Mint 17: familiar, Wafer Cookie
Simple Pleasure: Rocky Road 15: treetops, Chocolate Chip Mint 1: shiny, Wafer Cookie, Whipped Cream
The Life In Her Hands: Cranberry 11: the wheel of fortune, Cantaloupe 20: wooden nickel, Banana, Cherry, Sprinkles
I'm Only Sleeping: Cranberry 20: the sun, Rocky Road 17: mountain/a rock/ledge, Banana
For You Lean On My Dreams: Rhubarb 18: use your head, Chocolate Chip Mint 6: lazy, Banana
Both Sides of the Looking Glass: Cranberry 22: the world, Rhubarb 21: what's a nice ___ like you doing in a place like this?, Chocolate Chip Mint 22:upside down, Banana
Currying Fortune: Young Cygnelius as the Four of Cups, along with a tangie, a nisse, and a water sprite. Cyg attempts to up his karma before he arrives at Castle Volacoeur. This card may precede a time of tribulation where the querent may be forced to self-reflect or self-sacrifice. Art.