I cant believe what just happened this morning!!!!

Aug 10, 2005 12:28


i cant believe what just happened-

we had a lecture today at the QUT Art Museum and our speaker was Steve Danzig-an awesome digital world known artist... http://www.internationaldigitalart.com/Danzig/danzig.html

anyway it was really interesting hearing what he had to say regarding art photography and the art practice...then he began to talk about association...and that we should learn to get out there and associate with other artists-to help fuel our work and such...

so he started talking about Laurence Gartel http://dam.org/gartel/index.htm and him being the pioneer of digital art photography and that in digital photography the awesome thing is that most of the pioneers are still alive and contactable...the next thing we know is he is calling him on the phone from here in australia to New York...getting him to pull over on the side of the road and talk with a few of us over the phone... :omg: i couldnt believe we were talking with him it was awesome...

so we were all just having a chit chat with him across the other side of the world...this huge amazing inspirational person...he was so nice and funny...

this was the man that taught Andy Warhol how to use a computer and worked with him in various areas...he said that Andy was very shy and wwould be amazed at what the computer could achieve...and sit say 'wow...thats wonderful...' :shock:

he also told us anothre story about what he got to do one time-
(Gartel) was actually commissioned to do the Sid and Nancy shoot at the Chelsea when he was 19 in 1979..but was running an hour late so he rang up and told the person at the desk to let Sid Vicious know he was running late...the person at the desk then told him not to bother because 'Sid had just slashed Nancy up...' so it wouldnt be going ahead....this was the same day that Sid also went and had the heroin overdose.... :omg:

and i was hearing this all over the phone...

he also told us of some other awesome huge people he had worked with and the impact it had on him as an artist...the phone got passed around the class..it was so amazing to be talking to this man...who is now in his late 50's....

:omg: what a glorious day to start the morning off...

what a story :XD:

im so glad i nearly lost my legs this morning walking so fast to gte to uni from sues so i wouldnt miss out on the talk...i never expected this to have happened...my legs were nearly jelly this morning on the way there..it was insane but i kept kicking on...




i never expected the morning to turn out like this...i had to run down to the computer labs and jot it all down before i forgot anything...not that i ever will...


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