May 11, 2006 14:41
It was a nice sunny day at BCAL…I mean JCS…and it was break time. Mr. Marks was actually in a good mood…I mean in his usually happy mood. He was skipping down the “quad thing” singing.
“Here comes Pedro cotton tail hopping down the bunny trail. Hippity hoppity teacher’s on the way!”
As he was skipping down the way the students ran away into the classrooms screaming.
“Run away!!!!” Michelle yelled, “It’s Mr. Marks!!!!”
“The creepy guy!! Aaaaahhhh!!!” Luke yelled.
All of a sudden Fernando the ferret and Pedro cotton tail the bunny come running out from under the trailers.
“Look!! Its Fernando and Pedro!” Senora Johnson (Larson) announced.
As Fernando and Pedro were scurrying around the “quad thing” the Mission Impossible theme song started playing. Then all of a sudden Prince and Matthews’s rooms blow up! Then out of the wreckage a glowing John Rhys-Meyers floated down to Fernando and Pedro.
“Fernando and Pedro I have a mission for you. The evil Dr. Kahoojies has taken control of Mr. Marks and Mrs. Forbess brains! Your job is to place these Dora the Explorer tattoos on their nose,” John explained.
“Yes master,” Fernando and Pedro replied.
“This message, if you choose to accept it, will self destruct in 5 seconds,” then Mr. Meyers evaporated into the heavenly clouds above.
“Come Pedro!” Fernando said, “Let’s go save the world!”
Then the theme song began to play again.
“Where is that music coming from?” Pedro asked.
“Was that John Rhys-Meyers?!?” Cheyenne yelled running outside, “I LOVE YOU JOHN RHYS-MEYERS!!! COME BACK!!!”
“Larson hates me! She picked me first again!!” Stephen yelled from inside the classroom. Then he ran and jumped out the window and landed on the ground. He got up and began to run away.
“Stephen get back here right now!! If you don’t you will have to suffer my wrath!!” Mr. Marks yelled at Stephen.
“NEVER!!!! Muwahahaha!!” Stephen yelled back and ran around like a crazy person.
“NO!!!! I won’t do geometry!! You’re evil!!! EVIL I SAY!!!!” Emily yelled in Mrs. Forbess room. She ran out of the room yelling “GEOMETRY IS EVIL!!!!!”
“Emily get back here now!! You haven’t finished the problem!” Mrs. Forbess yelled after her.
“NEVER!!!! Come Michelle lets go!!” Emily yelled and Michelle ran out the classroom.
“What is going on here?” Fernando asked Kiah all confused like.
“I’m not quite sure,” Kiah responded.
“EVERYONE STOP RIGHT NOW!!!!” Mr. Marks yelled, “You all will get back to your classes right now or you all shall witness our wrath!!”
Mrs. Forbess stood next to Mr. Marks and they both had what looked like to be some evil looking ray thing.
“NEVER!!!!” Luke yelled.
“Fine…then be prepared,” Mr. Marks said and shot the ray thing at Luke. The ray hit him and put him into what looked like a trance and he walked over to Mrs. Forbess side.
“LUKE!!!! NO!!!!” Katie yelled, “What did you do to him? Bring him back!!”
“He is our minion now. So whatcha you gonna do now moo-chacha?” Mr. Marks said, “Muwahahahahaha!!!!”
“Wheee!! Oooh…shiny object,” Gloria said oblivious to what’s going on around her, “Hello Mr. Marks. How is thee? Look!!!! More shiny objects!!” Then Gloria ran off to poke the shiny objects.
*Sweat drop (all anime status)* Mr. Marks looked so confused.
“I swear she’s on something!!” Maddie said.
“Who wants chocolate??” Mrs. Matthews asks everyone also oblivious to what’s going on around her.
“CHOCOLATE!!!! GIMMIE!!!! MUWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!” Jacey said running towards Mrs. Matthews looking like some crazy person.
“WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON HERE!!!! YOU ALL SHOULD BE AFRAID OF US!!!!” Mrs. Forbess yelled getting frustrated, “Dr. Kahoojies is not going to be pleased Mr. Marks.”
“I know. We’re supposed to take over the school, but this school is filled with crazy people!!” Mr. Marks said to Mrs. Forbess.
“Hey! Aren’t you suppose to be protecting us?” Kiah asked Fernando and Pedro.
“Oh yeh!!” Fernando and Pedro said. “Isn’t there a code or something to dismember their brains?”
“Yeah, um…I see a number; it’s floating closer in my misty mind… FOUR! Oh! And there’s another…..EIGHT! And another! FIFTEEN! SIXTEEN! TWENTY-THREE! FOURTY-TWO! YES, THAT’S IT!!!!!!! It’s the code!” Fernando said.
“SSSHHHH!!!” hissed Cheyenne. “It’s time to play the Super Quiet game! If you’re quiet, you get a prize! A super prize! Super Quiet! Super Quiet!!!!!!!”
“Hey, look! Pickles!” said an unimportant extra named George. “And they smell!”
“That’s because they’re not really ‘pickles’!” said Gloria with a wink, “RUN!!!!!”
“Why?” Cheyenne asked.
“FIFTY EIGHT SEATS AND SIXTY TWO KOREANS!!!!! That’s why!!!” Gloria replied.
“OH!!!!” Cheyenne replied.
Then out of nowhere a puff of green smoke appeared and out walked this guy in a pink tutu over purple pants, black boots, a blue shirt, green wizard hat and a magic wand.
“Who is that crazy looking guy?” Pedro asked.
“Dr. Kahoojies! What are you doing here?” Mrs. Forbess asked.
“A little bird told me that you’re not doing to well with your mission,” Dr. Kahoojies said.
“A little bird?” Mrs. Forbess asked.
“Yes a little bird,” Dr. Kahoojies said, “See my bird.” Dr. Kahoojies pointed to a bird on his shoulder, “Now you shall witness my wrath!!!! Muwahahahahaha!!!!”
“Meep,” Mr. Marks said.
“Gasp. We need to stop him!!” Pedro said.
“Where are the Dora the Explorer tattoos?” Fernando asked.
“Right here. How are we gonna stop him?” Pedro asked.
“I’m not sure,” Fernando replied, “Wait! Something is coming to me!!! Four…eight…fifteen…sixteen…twenty-three…forty-two. WE NEED PICKLES!!!!”
“Pickles?” Pedro asked confused.
“Heh heh heh…pickles,” Gloria said mischievously, “68 POUNDS OF PICKLES!!!!”
“What about Jack? I can't leave without him!” said Will Turner then he sees Jack being chased, “Never mind! Let's go!”
“You have a debt to pay. You owe Davey Jones your soul. That was the agreement. Time's up! You are a marked man, Jack Sparrow,” said Davey Jones.
“Oh bugger,” said Jack.
“We were like, ‘woaaaah.’, and I was like, ‘woaaaah.’ and you were like, ‘woaaahh’ when we saw you running Jack,” Cheyenne said.
“WHAT IS GOING ON HERE???” Dr. Kahoojies yelled, “This is school is full of crazy people!!!!”
“Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. What do we do? We swim, swim,” Cheyenne and Emily begin to sing and dance, “Ha, ha, ha, ha, ho. I love to swim. When you want to swim you want to swim.”
Cheyenne and Emily were dancing so much and so crazy like that they hit the wall, and since the trailers are pieces of yeh…the pieces of the roof fell off and hit Mr. Marks, Mrs. Forbess, and Dr. Kahoojies on the head and knocked them unconscious.
“QUICK!!!! The tattoos!!!!” Pedro yelled.
Fernando is humming the song Cheyenne and Emily are singing, “Huh? Oh! The tattoos!!!!”
POOF! Willy Wonka appeared on a purple cloud of Oompa Loompas.
“Well, beatniks for one, folk singers and motorbike riders. Y'know. All those hip, jazzy, super cool, neat, keen, and groovy cats. It's in the fridge, daddy-o! Are you hip to the jive? Can you dig what I'm layin' down? I knew that you could. Slide me some skin, soul brother!” Willy said.
“What is going on here? The house of Godric Gryffindor has commanded respect in the wizarding world for nearly 10 centuries, and I will not have you besmirching it in one night by acting like a babbling, bumbling bunch of baboons,” Professor McGonagall said.
“Try saying that five times fast,” Fred whispered to George.
“Babbling, bumbling band of baboons, Babbling, bumbling band of baboons,” Fred and George whispered.
“Welcome to the Caribbean love,” Jack Sparrow said to Professor McGonagall.
“No…welcome to BCAL,” Maddie said laughing.
“The rock and pool, is nice and cool, so juicy sweet. Our only wish, to catch a fish, so juicy sweet!!” Gloria sang still oblivious to what’s going on around her.
“HELLO!!!! Fernando!!! Pedro!!! The teachers!!!” Kiah said.
“Oh yeah!! The teacher!! Duh!!” Pedro said smacking his bunny forehead.
“Ladies and gentlemen, fresh from 45 minutes of butt-robics, I give you my arse,” Jack McFarland announced.
“What the---“ Fernando said confused looking around at all the crazy people running around, and yes Mr. Marks, Mrs. Forbess and Dr. Kahoojies are still on the floor unconscious.
“Quick!! The tattoos!! Put them on Mr. Marks, Luke and Mrs. Forbess nose!!” Kiah yelled. Fernando scurried over to them and placed the Dora the Explorer tattoos on their noses.
“Good morning star shine, the earth says hello,” Mr. Marks said in daze. Mrs. Forbess just woke up and walked into her classroom and continued to teach and Luke just looked confused.
“Now what do we do about Dr. Kahoojies?” Pedro asked.
“Hehehehehehe,” Dr. Kahoojies crackled and got up and floated into the sky.
“It’s talking Merry. The tree is talking,” Pippin said.
“That’s not a tree Pip. It’s a crazy guy,” Merry told pippin.
“Gentlemen, we do not stop till nightfall,” Aragorn said.
“What about breakfast?” Pippin asked.
“You've already had it,” Aragorn replied.
“We've had one, yes. What about second breakfast?” asked Pippin.
“I don't think he knows about second breakfast, Pip,” said Merry.
“What about elevenses? Luncheon? Afternoon tea? Dinner? Supper? He knows about them, doesn't he?” Pippin asked Merry.
“I wouldn't count on it,” Merry replied.
“WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!?!?!?!?” Dr. Kahoojies yelled, “THIS SCHOOL IS FULL OF CRAZY PEOPLE!!!!!”
“Parleley, parlelellyleloooo, par le nee, partner, par... snip, parsley...” said Jack Sparrow.
“Parley?” Gloria asked.
“That's the one. Parley. Parley,” Jack said.
“Parley? Damn to the depths whatever man what thought of "Parley",” Pintel said all angry like.
“That would be the French,” Jack said.
“How are we going to get rid of Dr. Kahoojies?” Fernando asked Pedro.
“I’m not sure,” Pedro replied, “I wish we had some sort of clue.”
“Use the force,” said someone giggling.
“Hmmmm…the force,” Pedro contemplated.
“PEDRO!! That wasn’t a clue. That was Dr. Kahoojies!” Fernando said.
“OH!” Pedro said.
“Just attack him dang it!!!!” Kiah yelled getting frustrated.
“Ok!” Fernando said. Then he and Pedro ran and started biting and scratching Dr. Kahoojies.
“OOOOHHH!!!! Looky!!!! The cute bunny and ferret are attacking someone!! Oooohhh…shiny object!!” Gloria said then went back to being oblivious to everything.
“Chocolate anyone?” Mrs. Matthews asked again with a new bag of chocolate still oblivious to what’s going on as well.
“CHOCOLATE!!!!” Jacey yelled and ran towards Mrs. Matthews again.
“Gettin' born in the state of Mississippi, Papa was a copper and mama was a hippie, In Alabama she would swing a hammer… Black bandana, sweet Louisiana…” Gloria sang while dancing all weird like. Meanwhile Fernando and Pedro were still attacking Dr. Kahoojies.
“Aaaaahhh!!! My face!!!” Dr. Kahoojies yelled, “MY BEAUTIFUL FACE!!!!”
“What beautiful face?” Cheyenne asked.
“OH!!!! She just smoked you like a joint!!!” Stephen yelled.
“STEPHEN!!!!! THAT IS INNAPROPRIATE!!!!” Senora Johnson (Larson) yelled.
“But he’s an evil person!!” Stephen whined.
“True but it’s still inappropriate!” Senora Johnson (Larson) said.
“Is he dead yet?” someone asked.
“Well, you know what happens when you assume,” Michel said.
“What?” Lorelai asks.
“I don't know. Something about a donkey. It is a stupid American phrase,” Michel replied.
“HE’S STILL ALIVE!!!! HE WONT EVER DIE!!!!” Fernando exclaimed.
“What are we going to do?” Pedro asked.
“I KNOW!!!!” Gloria and Cheyenne say at the same time.
“You thinking what I’m thinking?” Gloria asked Cheyenne.
“Yup!!” Cheyenne said. Both of them getting an evil look in their eyes inching towards Dr. Kahoojies.
“What? What’s going on?” Dr. Kahoojies ask terrified.
“Heheheh…I think I know what they are about to do,” Michelle said.
“I’ll go get the supplies from the cabinet!” Cheyenne said all giddy like. She runs away then comes back with a black bag.
“LET’S GET HIM!!!!” Gloria yells. Cheyenne and Gloria begin to chase Dr. Kahoojies around with what looks like to be a stapler and scissors.
“AAAAHHH!!!!!” Dr. Kahoojies yells. Then Cheyenne opens her bag again and hands something to Gloria, Michelle, and Kiah.
“What…What’s that?” Dr. Kahoojies asks.
“COME ON!!!! LET’S GET HIM!!!!” Kiah yells. They continue to chase him with now what looks like glitter and glue.
“NOOOOO!!!! IM OUT OF HERE!!!!” Dr. Kahoojies yells and he heads off to what looks like to be a bright pink space ship looking thing and jets off.
“YAY!!!! WE DID IT!!!!” Michelle yells.
“Mission completed,” someone says behind them. They turn around and see John Rhys-Meyers standing there, “You all did well. Good job.”
“Thanks,” everyone says.
“Well that’s all. I’m off to help save another place,” John says and turns around and begins to walk off.
“Bye! Well be seeing you!” Fernando and Pedro say to him as he walks away.
“JOHN RHYS-MEYERS!!!! COME BACK!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!” Cheyenne yells and runs after him, “COME BACK!!!!! MARRY ME!!!!”