Apr 01, 2008 12:19
Sunday night my b/f and I were sitting around waiting to get hooked up by this dude. He wasn't answering his phone and we wanted to go see a movie so we really wanted some bud. Finally we thought we should stop by his place b/c he sometimes forgets his phone is on silent/things like that.
While we had been sitting around deciding on a movie, we remembered we had scored shrooms recently. The tabs we are saving for 420, but the more we thought of the shrooms, the more we wanted to eat some and go to a movie. So we really wanted some bud then.
Oh what the hell, we each ate half a bag (still have another one too!) and drove over to his friend's place. Sure enough, his phone was on silent. We raced home and smoked a bongload and then back to the theater. We saw HORTON HEARS A WHO.
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!! There was Japanamation shit in there, it was out there. Or maybe that was just the mushrooms? It was awesome too, because there were only 2 other people in there that looked in their 20's so we could kind of relax and geek out. I don't even know....
My b/f, M, drove home, maybe not that cool, but we only went a mile or so on side streets. Came back to my place and watched part of The Wall, then somehow were watching Hot Rod because I couldn't find Aqua Teen movie DVD. (This is how I remember it anyhow).
We forgot that a friend was supposed to stop over after the movie (the first movie). We just told him to come at 11 or so and so we were surprised. He just laughed at us and we smoked a mother of a bongload. So that was Sunday night and it's already Tuesday somehow!