Not going to compare What's Up to anything.... scout's honor. I have to think poor Daesung too. LOL!
I'll have to catch up now that I have subs. I'm SO behind with everything except 'Just You'. Gah, who'd thought I'd get obsessed with a daily?! Not me, that's for sure.
LOL! Not your cup of tea, I'm sure. It's a loooong (100+) epi family drama which I picked up solely for Suh Joon Young. I love the boy! It's his 1st lead role and he's ever so cute in this. I'm all caught up at ep 48 now and surprisingly not bored at all. It hasn't gone crazy makjangy on me either but if it ever does I'll drop it like a hot potato. Severe makjang-allegy these days, you see. I started watching it raw and still do, though I'm also doing a 2nd round with the subbed KBSW episodes to see what I missed. So yeah, I'm well and truly hooked. I'll probably write a totally biased, silly post about it one of these days. It's been brewing for a while now....
I may well regret starting it at some point, but so far I'm enjoying the ride. He plays the youngest in a large family, the illegitimite son of the father. Or so we are lead to think at first. ;) I'm smelling fakecest up the road as they are also hinting that his real father might be his OTP's dad. In which case he can't be her father. Ah, family dramas.... The episodes are shorter than normal at ca 40min each so it's a pretty easy watch.
Re. TwDR - How'd you guess?^^ Yes, I liked it a LOT. Great acting across the board and pretty riveting story but... not my favourite drama of last year, alas as that was Vampire Prosecutor, which I loved to bits. :D So, I'm thrilled that it got a 2nd season with the same cast.
I keep meaning to check out Vampire Prosecutor, if only so I can tell people I watched a drama called Vampire Prosecutor.
I'm smelling fakecest up the road as they are also hinting that his real father might be his OTP's dad it wrong that the thought of fakecest is intriguing me more than anything else I know about this drama? XD And that reminds me - I'm not the only one who entertained the thought of Jae Hun and Tae Hee being siblings, right?
Yeah, it's a kinda lame title but the drama is acutally a well executed crime show... with a 'twist' and I loved The Team, the bromance and what not. *g* The vampire part actually takes a backseat to solving the cases and other stuff, which is one reason I liked it. The Proz being smexy didn't hurt any either. Best use of guyliner in recent memory. ;P
I'm sure you are not alone in thinking along those lines about JH and TH. I've only watched ep 1+2 so far, so I'm not there yet but I've heard rumours. :)
Oooooh. I'd assumed everyone was watching it for the camp factor, but that actually sounds kind of neat. And you say it's getting another season? Or were you talking about Dream High?
/tries to tell self she doesn't need another drama
Nah, it's not campy at all. It's sort of subtly funny at times but those moments are always based on what's going on and character interaction. Our vampy Prosecutor Tae Yeon and Soon Bum, his investigator provide lot of the funny bits. The cutest bromance last year. :) I'm still dying to know how they met and become friends. I hope we'll get to know come summer and S2. Yeah, they just confirmed a 2nd season few days ago.
I read a rather nice introduction to VP not long ago but can't seem to find it now of course. Oh well, here's another take. Ah, ep 9 (the last pic is from it) - loved the banter between Tae Yeon and Son Bum at the beginning. Some thoughts of mine, in case you feel moved to read 'em. ;P
I'll have to catch up now that I have subs. I'm SO behind with everything except 'Just You'. Gah, who'd thought I'd get obsessed with a daily?! Not me, that's for sure.
He's cute, but you're right, I'm not sure if it's a 100+ episode cute. XD I'm assuming you're on a Tree With Deep Roots fever?
Re. TwDR - How'd you guess?^^ Yes, I liked it a LOT. Great acting across the board and pretty riveting story but... not my favourite drama of last year, alas as that was Vampire Prosecutor, which I loved to bits. :D So, I'm thrilled that it got a 2nd season with the same cast.
I'm smelling fakecest up the road as they are also hinting that his real father might be his OTP's dad it wrong that the thought of fakecest is intriguing me more than anything else I know about this drama? XD And that reminds me - I'm not the only one who entertained the thought of Jae Hun and Tae Hee being siblings, right?
I'm sure you are not alone in thinking along those lines about JH and TH. I've only watched ep 1+2 so far, so I'm not there yet but I've heard rumours. :)
/tries to tell self she doesn't need another drama
I read a rather nice introduction to VP not long ago but can't seem to find it now of course. Oh well, here's another take. Ah, ep 9 (the last pic is from it) - loved the banter between Tae Yeon and Son Bum at the beginning. Some thoughts of mine, in case you feel moved to read 'em. ;P
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