Maybe the knowledge is all you need to brace yourself for the inevitable hatred. Like the fact that JJ Abrams has a new show called UnderCovers. I plan to watch, and I plan to adore it for a season or two before everything goes to hell. I'm just bracing myself early for that to happen. ~g~
Well, it's a spy show, so I'll be on the lookout for any mention of "Rambaldi" or "ancient mythological conspiracy arc."
But the preview I saw looks like ten pounds of awesome in a five pound bag. The leads are both POC! There's banter! There's action! There's a boy!crush! There's sex! There's Gerald McRaney as a cranky CIA handler! It'll be a seriously awesome ride until it isn't. ~g~
I know! I had never even heard of the show before I started watching the preview, and I was commenting on it to a friend through IM. Eventually she said, "Where did you find this? Was it leaked?" And I said, "No, this is my reaction to the PREVIEW." I fear for her when I have a full-length episode. ;-D
I tried with Lost, I really did. But the forced cliffhangers and then the crazy flashsideways... ~shakes head~
Badass, hot, snarky POC couple. The wife played Tish (Martha Jones' sister) on Doctor Who, so there's that. She seems to be much hotter in this, though. If you watch the preview and you're not in love with her by the time she says, "Loco! ~chomp~", the show is probably not for you. ;-D
Heee, indeed! Knowing there will be a cut-off around Season 2 or 3 makes me ready to accept the show into my life. And if there's not, well, all the better. But I'm not holding out hope. ~g~
When he brings out the polar bears, you'll know when to stop.
But the preview I saw looks like ten pounds of awesome in a five pound bag. The leads are both POC! There's banter! There's action! There's a boy!crush! There's sex! There's Gerald McRaney as a cranky CIA handler! It'll be a seriously awesome ride until it isn't. ~g~
Hey, I watched all six seasons of LOST, I can't judge. XD A badass leading POC couple does sound tempting...
Badass, hot, snarky POC couple. The wife played Tish (Martha Jones' sister) on Doctor Who, so there's that. She seems to be much hotter in this, though. If you watch the preview and you're not in love with her by the time she says, "Loco! ~chomp~", the show is probably not for you. ;-D
WORD. I mean, you gotta give him credit for consistent, right?
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