Jesus loves you... He's not "in love" with you.

May 20, 2009 16:57

I have found the creepiest icon ever by jibicons:

I want to use it, but at the same time... SO CREEPY. I think I would be scared to upload it.

JANE CARES MORE ABOUT LISBON THAN RED JOHN. Hahahaha, anti-shippers on TWOP are already like "don't read anything into it, he would've done that for anyone... " I don't doubt it -- I could see him doing that for any of the team -- but it WASN'T anyone else. It was Lisbon. Say what you want about Bruno Heller's interview comments (that they aren't in love, they're not meant to be romantic, etc) but Bruno Heller penned this ep. When you go back, *all* his episodes are about J/L, their relationship, their growing closeness and flirty office eyesex, how she connects him to humanity. Heller did the pilot. He's responsible for the trust fall, the paper froggie, the conversation at the end of Red John's Friends, and now this -- Jane sacrificing his only lead to keep Lisbon safe, without even thinking about it, no deliberation or doubt, he just saw Lisbon in danger and IMMEDIATELY REACTED. And we're supposed to believe it doesn't mean anything? Because Jane would've saved anyone? Bullshit. I don't care what Heller says in interviews. HIS LIPS SAY NO, HIS TRUST FALLS SAY YES.

Plus, you know, he bought her a pony.

On the RJ front: WHERE THE FUCK WAS VAN PELT? YOU GUYS. IN AN EPISODE WHERE THE WHOLE TEAM CAME TOGETHER TO CATCH RED JOHN'S ACCOMPLICE, VAN PELT WAS COMPLETELY ABSENT. I even checked the phone call between her and Cho, but there's nothing in the background to prove she was at CBI headquarters. She could've been anywhere, with plenty of time to sneak over and watch her work from the cameras...

I'm seeing a lot of speculation that the blind redhead is RJ, but I don't know, maybe it's because I'm already on this Van Pelt thing, but it seems too obvious.* Same with Minelli. He was conveniently dumped in this episode with a brainstorm that proved crucial? How suspicious, right? I think they're both red herrings. I mean, the teacup practically screamed its significance. I like to think TM is more subtle.

*I've seen a couple people in the comms like "OMG! MAYBE RED JOHN IS A WOMAN! She even has red hair!!!" and I'm sitting here like ".....YOU DON'T SAY. GOLD STAR."


I love the little peripheral glances during questioning. I don't think I posted about the boat ep, but I love how they're so often attuned to other's thoughts and on the same page.

Jane's shameless and Lisbon's annoyed? Must be Tuesday!

"Please understand something. I have a very personal interest in this case. I'll do whatever it takes. I'll have you framed for murder, I will torture you, I will kill you myself if I have to, whatever it takes."

.............................. D: D: D: D:

CHO, SHE HAS A NIECE. HAHAHAHA. I love how polite he was. "No thank you ma'am, I'm not interested in marriage right now." Yeah, you're too busy shooting up cars and rolling some joints, aren't you, juvie man?

AUGH. AUGHHHH. SO CREEPED OUT. I giggle and clap at ~*OMINOUS SKY SMILIES*~ but somehow the thought of a serial killer's bloody mark where she couldn't see it... she was just... LIVING with that thing there... AUGH.

"Are you threatening me?" That's when I knew they were acting, 'cause no way Jane could finger-wag Lisbon without losing the entire hand. But there was obviously a lot of uncomfortable truth in their argument, which is how they pulled it off. The words might not have been real, but the emotions were.

(And tell me I'm not the only one suddenly keen on angry!sex. Lisbon could easily thrown him down and prove how much she cares...)

"If he does anything wrong, if he jaywalks, shoot him!" God, Lisbon would make a great mother. "I TOLD YOU NOT TO SPOIL YOUR SUPPER! *BODYSLAM OVER THE COOKIE JAR*"

STILL AMAZING ON REWATCH. It's horrible of me, but I totally laughed when Jane tossed the gun away like it burned. I wish the twin's boyfriend had been there to see it. "So you're gonna torture me, huh? Good luck with that."

"What if Hardy had killed you right here?"
"And then he would've led you straight to Red John."
"You'd be dead."
"But you would have Red John."

WAIT. WAIT. All this time Jane has made it crystal clear that the law isn't enough. The only true justice would be Red John's suffering. But now he's okay with Red John being arrested? He's okay with punishment by law, and not his own hands? That's... monumental. That's a huge step in the right direction.

"Can't you see there are people who care about you? Who need you? You're being selfish and childish and I want you to stop it."

ADORED the acting here. For sure Lisbon's got a temper (especially when it comes to Jane), but so often we see her totally cool, in control, laying down the law in a blunt and professional way regardless of her own feelings. But here... here she was invested. She was pissed and made damn sure he knew it.

I feel like I'm watching Maou all over again. GIVE UP VENGEANCE! BE HAPPY, YOU IDIOT! If they ever bring out black butterflies, it's all over.

xanatos gambits are sexy, red john watch, the simon baker show

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