Court: putting yourself in the hands of 12 people too dumb to get out of jury duty.

Dec 17, 2008 15:28

This tag has never been so fitting!

Last time on Innocent Love, sisterluster was stalking Junya at the church. "Got any tips for managing your woman?" "Oh yeah dude, just put her in a coma."

Junya continues to torment Subaru. "You only tried to kill my fiancee. It's cool. Come back whenever you want. I'll leave the shower door open if you want a peek."

Then Subaru gets a surprise visit...

FROM HIS SLUTTY GAY EX-BOYFRIEND! Show of hands, who thinks Subaru is secretly dying of AIDS and all the attempted murder is just his way of looking after Junya before he dies tragically in the snow?

No reason for these caps. *__*

Udon, you are not a thug. Just... no. Stop it.


Yeah! And you can share a tiny apartment, and sleep a breath apart, and your brother will watch you with an unblinking stare, just like old times!

I assume it's when your father tried to molest you, so you set him on fire. Just a guess.

PTSD FLASHBACK! Glee! You know, I'm not sure how to feel about sisterluster anymore. He is clearly accepting donations from the crazy bank, but he's only trying to protect Kanon from whatever awful memories she's repressed. Maybe I called the incest too quick. As long as the badtouch was indeed from her father (or some other out-of-focus forest-dweller), sisterluster may not be a sisterluster after all.

So he rides the phallus between the thighs while the carousel continues in endless circles, a metaphor for his sexuality, the cycle he cannot escape, at once both uncomfortable and familiar...

(Okay no I'm joking -- I'm joking -- this is just what my mind is permanently like on Utena.)

"So please don't kill him! Pretty please?"

I'm hungry. D:

And it only took you four episodes to figure it out!

...........and here are the nice men in white coats, Asano-san, just come quietly and don't make a fuss, as you clearly need to be medicated...

Remember: "He's a very gentle person, honest!!"

Stalking: fun for the whole family!

Kanon's budding happiness is something that sisterluster cannot tolerate, SO THE NEXT DAY HE FOLLOWS JUNYA HOME WITH A HAMMER.

I'm not sure if sisterluster is still appropriate. Maybe Sousuke: The Sequel?

THE EYES OF GOD ARE WATCHING YOU, SISTERLUSTER! Does no one in Japan lock their doors? Or is that only if they're hiding comatose girlfriends in mysterious rooms?

Mizuki gives Kanon her reason to cry, because she has a quota to fill each episode.

Reporter-san totally calls it.


I-- I SERIOUSLY-- I DON'T EVEN. WHAT IS GOING ON? DID HE KILL HIM? (NOTE TO FLIST: DON'T ANSWER THAT.) I know we've established Sousuke's utter fail at long-term planning, but this just takes the cake.

Also I love the choice in lyrics there. "I can feel you close to me..." Yeah, WITH A HAMMER.

I'm so used to Asano Taeko cliffhangers that I was waiting for Kanon to get run over by a car. XD

Poll Asano Taeko cliche poll

innocent love: bring the pain, beat me in the face with a hammer

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