If anyone was like me and refreshing d-addicts in vain,
Sakurai Storm Subs has released ep 2! *_____*
IT WAS A FUCKING FAKEOUT OMG OMG SO GOOD. Every time I think I have Naruse pegged, he rounds a corner and somehow manages to be more twisted and brilliant than before. (And god bless this drama, seriously-- "He's evil evil evil! Look at his evil! Do you see it? The evil? Do you see his evil? Look at his evil from multiple angles. Evilevilevil! Also, teddy bears!")
No, really. Your Darkroom of Pain isn't complete without stuffed animals.
A promise of catching the killer to the killer, who's only killing in revenge for your own kill. *quietshriekofdoom* The mindgames!!!
...I want Naruse to take him on the pool table.
Naoto backed in a corner with his pants around his ankles while Naruse fucks him fully-dressed and in control... come on, you know you want it.
Just once I want someone to interrupt his dramatic evil eyeraising. Like he's standing there reading Faust, the power of a demon within him, and he raises his eyes in a chilling moment of thrumming music-- and Shiroi catches him glaring meaningfully at the botany section.
"My mother loved these." "I love them too!"
The pure-hearted love interest and the wounded hottie with a mother complex? I have no idea where this romance is going.
f;dsafldjasf I totally thought that was Naruse in drag, then I realized this wasn't Monster.
I bet that jacket collar would hide bite marks.
I love how at this point the soulless devil lawyer on a killing spree is more human than the good guys. At least we understand where Naruse is coming from-- unlike Naoto, who has a corrupt family, manslaughter in his closet, and a personal gang of losers, liars, and loan sharks.
(I don't dislike him, not at all, but at this point... I don't know who I want to win. Maybe they can take off their shirts and start wrestling, so everybody wins.)
THIS SCENE MADE ME LAUGH SO FUCKING HARD. The jdrama version of making out: rubbing your closed lips together really, really intently.
I love that when Naoto interrupted them, you can see this sweet ninety pound Japanese girl thinking "WHAT THE SHIT, GET THE FUCK OUT." Sorry baby, the eyesex cannot be denied.
Oh man, this scene had me so pumped and I'm not ashamed to admit it. Naoto running for his friend's life while Naruse, having pulled all the strings for his murder, is calm and at peace and the happiest we've ever seen him. f;sdafjlsdflsdf I have no idea how this can end well for both of them, not when they want such completely different things.
Is Naruse going to pick them off one by one? Is he killing everyone who Naoto cares about, or just those involved in his brother's death? Is he saving Naoto for last to make him the suffer the most? Why hasn't there been sex yet??
WHO ELSE IS DISCUSSING MAOU? I'm totally going journal hopping.