I haven't slept for ten days, because that would be too long.

Dec 27, 2007 17:00

Highlight of the holiday: my nephew's new favorite phrase is apparently "have you lost your mind?", which he delivers with the most awesomely straight-faced deadpan I've ever seen. There's something totally charming about having a four year old question your sanity.

♥ ♥ ♥ I hope everyone had a great Christmas! THERE IS SO MUCH TO CATCH UP ON.

(And can I just say? It's a beautiful day when senpai fandom requires me to keep up.)

1: TOKIO LIVE TOUR 2008! My squee could be heard across several continents. A con means con reports, con merchandise (right? right?), TOUR SPREADS IN IDOL MAGS?? (I like to imagine Myojo staff sitting in a conference room somewhere like "shit, does anyone still have their number?") and most important of all--

The possibility of a DVD. *___________________* JAPAN. I WILL WRITE YOU A BLANK CHECK IN MY OWN BLOOD. PLEASE, PLEASE A DVD.

2: MS Super Live! I-- what.

Drunken end-of-the-year parties. That they not only brag about on TV, but provide pictures of. "There were six bottles of champagne as we walked in... 'Let's each drink one~!!'"

My fandom: drink 'til an extra member appears! ♥ ♥

One of my favorite things about TOKIO is not knowing where their fashion sense ends and where Johnny's begins. XD

Pimp hat!

Pimp hat and fur collar and sleeves *hisses*


There is one word for this ensemble that explains everything. That word is "Mabo."

*SHRIEKS* Is this supposed to be a mid-life crisis? Is this what guys do when they've been dumped by their long-term girlfriends, they reinvent themselves using Suga Shikao as a template?


3: Coffee Prince fic! a;fkldsjfsf THANK YOU, YULETIDE.

4: I may have downloaded a show where Nagano and Okada eat food for twenty minutes j-just to watch their mouths.

Also I have another show where Nagano and Inocchi fail so spectacularly at this word game, Nagano in particular, that he winds up covered in white stuff and flinging himself to the floor to beg on his hands and knees.

Japanese TV is amazing.

5: I am so excited for January!! TOKIO, TOKIO EVERYWHERE.

Ai no Apron
Daishoten 2008

Am I missing anything? Kouhaku doesn't get uploaded, I think, and I'm willing to bet Daishoten doesn't either, which seriously pains me in the heart because -- twelve hours of TOKIO. *_____* What I would give. What I would give.

porn, nagano unf, look! tokio actually does stuff!!, porn please, decrepit grandpas can still rock, liberation from our sleeved overlords, equal opportunity objectification

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