OKAY. It has taken a billion years and enough swearing that I think I ran out of words, but my super-huge Arashi picspam is now complete! All you godless heathens who expressed doubt when I flailed that, yes, Arashi really is that gay -- GAZE UPON IN WONDER AND REALIZE YOUR TERRIBLE ERROR
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I love how your post just made them look gayer to me. I did not know that that was even possible.
Wait, never mind. That's a y/y question if I've ever seen one~
Will you feed me scraps. *___*
If you meant throwing bits of it at you as it's written, that too. :D
It might take a while, though. The word "cock" makes me laugh, and my mental picture of an orgy is...well, there's five holes (not including mouths) and five...things to fill those holes, so if they stand in a circle and plug the hole in front of them and wiggle...? (Don't worry, whatever I write won't actually be like that, my mind is just... x__x)
CONGA LINES WILL NEVER BE THE SAME FOR ME AGAIN. (So that's the phrase I was looking for to describe my brain's weird orgy theories!)
I'm telling you, anything can be twisted for orgyfic. :DV
Sho, in a fit of frustration and "why won't fandom ever get me laid," decides to systematically go through all of Arashi.
*twitches* I vote that a "Get Sho Laid" campaign get started, but then again what with all the orgy!fic being encouraged, I'm not sure if that's necessary...
Nevertheless, I got bit by a fic bunny that basically wants Sho to get laid. I'm so weak. :(((
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