An entry of random!
1: Someone needs to stop me before I replace all my icons with
Kawaii Not's. (It took me three tries not to type that as Kawai. *cries*)
2: I know the NEWS concert pics are old meme, but I got tired of scrolling through a gazillion images just to paw at my screen have inappropriate thoughts about touching Shige's love handles peruse the smooth, naked boyflesh with a mature and unbiased eye, so I made myself a
collage of shirtless NEWS and figured I'd share. In case, you know. Others wanted to join me for lively discourse.
... you guys will let me know when jpop turns me creepy, right? Right?
adflasjfkldsjk I know the power of Yamapi's hips is great and awe-inspiring, but 10GB in two weeks is just craziness, even for shiny gyrating gay boys. Someone(s)'s been hotlinking in a big way.
My gifs, screencaps, picspams -- all have been replaced with that annoying little red square until my bandwidth resets on the 14th. Of next month*. :(
*This is dramatic talk for "tomorrow."
Nishikido Ryo: making even megane porn psycho since 2007. That is all.