Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city.

Aug 18, 2006 17:30

And sometimes fandom kicks so much ass that Chuck Norris himself looks on in awe.

Nagase/Koki fic. Yes, you read that right. Koki has a crush and Nagase is a goof (akjshjslajkk I don't know his band at all, but chaosraven linked me to the interview where he talks about getting butt-naked and farting as a symbol of peace, so I am of the opinion her characterization in this one is SPOT-ON) and together, they fight crime almost have explicit sex!

Unfortunately, he has a tendency to be vague with his feelings and it just doesn’t transfer correctly. He thinks he’s broadcasting ‘have sex with me on any surface you like,’ but what gets heard is ‘let’s invite everyone out for karaoke.'

Slightly different.


In the realm of other fic you should read, corimari has Jin/Koki crossdressing porn, and All's Fair in War and Boybands, Maru/Koki almost-porn (with bonus Akamepi lurking in the background!), and SAKURAGI/YAJIMA -- YOU KNOW, THE "IF IT'S SO WRONG WHY DOES IT FEEL SO RIGHT" PAIRING FROM DRAGONZAKURA? I. It. Yes.

I really should just rec all of corimari's stuff, she is brilliant. Behold: drunken Jin/Pi! And paved-the-way-with-alcohol Jin/Kame/Pi! This is how all Akamepi threesomes should be. among_the_lost also offered me fic (*flails excitedly*) and the result is hilariously IC Pin wherein Jin rolls his hips and then there's this bit with Jin's teeth and Yamapi's bellybutton ring and. um. :)))

Also, I'm sure everyone's read this by now, but her fic Whispers is fantastic, making me want to curl into a little ball and possibly die. The relationship between Jin and Kame meant more to the fans than it did to Jin or Kame.

-- to cheer myself up, I read meitachi's The Sun and the Air, which has quickly become my favorite closing-the-gap Akame fic ever because I am a sucker and want everyone to have happy endings filled with understanding and contentment and anal sex.

Also, the Tego masturbation fic makes me really happy. Just sayin'.


In other news, killermuffin has pimped Honey & Clover, and it is beautiful and persuasive and oh, look, Morita/Mayama fanart. See, I don't have to talk about jpop all the time -- sometimes the boytouching looks just as good in 2D. *____*

other people are better than me

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