Mar 28, 2008 14:56
Player Information
Player Name/Alias: Joy
Players Contact/AIM/MSN/YAHOO: AIM: clouded here
Former/Other Characters in the RP: none
Character Information
Character's Name: Sabaku Gaara
Character's Canon Origin/Series: Naruto
Character's School Year/Teaching Position: 6th
Character's Background (in relation to the RP):
The youngest child of the Kazekage of Sunagakure, Gaara was viewed upon in fear and disgust, being the one to blame for his dear mother’s death. Because of this, it was said that the boy was cursed by his deceased mother’s spirit, thus becoming slowly ostracized by the entire village and eventually, his own family. Lonely and depressed, Gaara began to seek solace in his imaginary friend, Shukaku who resided in his teddy bear. Unbeknown to Gaara, many of the random attacks and accidents that happened around him were due to the wild and uncontrolled amount of magic that gathered mainly in his teddy bear. Because of this, the boy felt a strong sense of bonding to the bear and would become hysterical if anyone tried to take it from him.
Because of the many issues that arose whenever Gaara was around, his father decided to begin taking the boy with him on his many business trips to different countries that he would spend almost a year away on. Clueless about why he was being taken away, Gaara left without a fuss, Shukaku accompanying him. Also, was Gaara’s uncle, his mother’s twin brother, Yashamaru. He had been the care keeper of all of the Sabaku children until they were capable on their own, so it was only natural that he left with the Kazekage and Gaara.
When visiting Hong Kong one summer, Gaara met Rock Lee there, an odd boy that the redhead took a quick liking too when the other did not run away from him. Over the summer they became quick friends and were nearly inseparable. Sadly, nearing the end of the summer Gaara was told of his father needing to depart soon, and so the boy delivered the bad news. Of course all good things must come to an end and it was already known that Gaara wouldn’t be able to live there, no matter how much they wished. On the day before he was to leave, he and Lee sat on a bench eating rice balls and cried to each other of this horrible event.
It was only shortly after landing in London that it all went horribly wrong. Sitting in the hotel room, his father out dining with some important people (children never do keep track of things like that, you know), Yashamaru entered the room. Gaara, too busy playing with Shukaku the teddy bear, didn’t even turn to greet him. Suddenly without warning he felt the instinctive urge to move, and in doing so dodged a very deadly attack on his person. Spinning around he saw none other than Yashamaru holding a knife. With the intention to kill radiating off him, Gaara knew what was to come.
Without realizing it, all of the pent-up magic inside of his teddy bear exploded right then, blasting Yashamaru into the wall behind him. Without any control over what he was doing, Gaara watched in horror as an invisible force raised the dagger up before his own uncle, unknowing that it was his own rage and fury that drove his magic to kill.
Just as the knife was about to strike, Yashamaru uttered one final curse towards Gaara knocking him out cold. Before he slipped into unconsciousness he could clearly see the sickenly sadistic look of pleasure on his uncle’s face before he was killed. When his father returned to the hotel, he was aghast by the chaos. Believing that Gaara had killed Yashamaru, he sent Gaara to a mental facility. There the boy was held for two years, until he turned 11 and was sent an invitation to Hogwarts School of Witch Craft and Wizardry. Seemingly much more calm, his father let him go to the school, assured by the headmaster Dumbledore that the boy would be fine.
(Taking off of the previous player here, with minor edits)
After coming to Hogwarts, Gaara’s father disappeared for one reason or another without a trace. Whether Gaara was affected by this or not was uncertain, but when the lack of a leader in the village became too much of a liability they recalled Gaara back to the village to stand in his place. When out of the blue the Kazekage returned, Gaara was allowed to return back to the school.
The curse Yashamaru cast upon Gaara was one that twisted his magically abilities into a sinister alternate personality. While Gaara has most control over the general use of his magic, he will not allow himself to delve too deep for fear of tapping into Shukaku, his alternate ‘self’. Centered inside the inner workings of his magic is a dark seed where Shukaku resides, waiting for his chance to arise. Because of the inner paranoia of this happening, Gaara does not sleep.
Sample Interaction Post in First Person:
I have returned. Unsurprisingly, nothing of much significance has changed. The majority of the students are as blissful as before, but perhaps more of an annoyance than before.
From henceforth I will be catching up with all of my missed studies. With father returning to his post in Sunagakure, I hope I will rest easy without the Council breathing down my neck.
After spending a worthy enough time there, I prefer looking for a place to stay in London. I hardly doubt the Council will miss my presence this summer.