
Feb 12, 2014 17:23

Sometimes my dreams are just... wow. At least once a month I have one that could fill a whole novel or movie. Last night's was so crazy and intense I decided to write it down. Prepare for weirdness XD

It started harmlessly enough. I was at home with my parents and we had lots and lots of cats and bunnies in the garden and I tried to build little houses for the bunnies to protect them from the cats. My dad only shook his head, but I was stubborn. I built them in the garden and the place where the bird's house is in our front lawn (in the trees LOL). There were small bunnies and big bunnies, all of them black and white and our cats where tabby. At some point they started mixing up and I tried even harder to build them some houses with material that wasn't very good (parts of wooden debris, old wooden planks, cardboard). I didn't have the right screws or other tools either. Very frustrating.

Suddenly I had to hurry, because there was a big storm coming and I wanted to have the bunnies safe. But out of nowhere a lot of people were around me and tried to hurry me and tried to help, but they ruined stuff and I was close to crying, because things broke down and I wouldn't get it done in time!

Lightening bolts hit several trees after another and it became really really dangerous to stay outside.

Then I realized that all these people were old school mates I hadn't thought of in more than a decade and it was so weird to see them all again. We seemed to be working together and our boss was my current boss, which was even weirder. We went into a safe room. It was made out of glass and attached to the building outside. The door was automatic and I was already waiting inside, but there were still two people outside and the storm drew closer and the wind already picked up and everyone shouted for the two guys to finally come inside, but then my boss pushed the big red button and they came too late and stood outside of the glass door.

We could hear the storm and see the heavy rain and the thunder and more and more lightenings and then one of the two guys got hit and fell to the ground (I remember him - he was a little bastard in school) and someone said, Do you smell that? and then I could smell the stench of burned meat and it was horrible.

Then the storm really picked up and it was more like a terrible hurricane. Things flew around and I could see my constructions of bunny houses fly away and I actually could see the bunnies who tried to hide in the houses fly away, too and then I cried and that was the first time I woke up and I was so unbelievable sad in that moment, because I couldn't save the bunnies.

I fell asleep again and the dream actually continued right there. The devastation grew worse and we saw the darkest clouds so it actually was dark as night and parts of houses and cars flew by and big parts of wood started to scratch the glass and at some point it actually started to put holes into the glass walls of our room like gunshots. Most of us had pressed against the stone wall of the house at that point, hiding in tiny corners. Someone had a radio report on their phone and we heard that devastating rain falls had gone down over the close by mountians(?! O_o) and catastrophic mud avalanges made their way down into the valley now.

We all looked into the direction of the mountains (we suddenly were in a big town which somehow reminded me of Paris) and then - in slow motion - the first avalange appeard. It was about 50 to 60 feet high and swallowed the houses completely, taking parts of them and debris and everything with it. It was like an avalange of stone now and it was coming towards us. I pressed closer into my niche and suddenly there was the loudest noise ever and the avalange destroyed our glass room and it went by my face mere inches away. It tried to suck me out and I had to press myself really really hard into the wall and my arms started hurting and the oxygen got sucked out and I had trouble breathing and I was really scared about falling forwards and into the stream of mud that seemed to be way too fast suddenly.

That happened about three or for times and I woke up again at some point trying to catch my breath. I literally was out of breath, gasping for air.-.-

When it finally seemed to have stopped I looked around and there were still some people around and the destruction wasn't as bad as it should have been. For example, there was my car still on the street, unfortunately a tree had crashed into it and I was so sad and frustrated seeing my baby like that! I knew I wanted to see my parents right away, who weirdly enough were in the house a few streets away where we had lived until 14 years ago. But I had to hurry to get there because suddenly there was a big snow storm at the horizon, coming towards us really fast and I could see it coming like a white wall.

I started running, but the snow was faster and suddenly the whole scenery was glowing in a weird dark blue color and it was eerily quiet all of the sudden and then the first snow flakes started to fall and they were HUGE, like a tennis ball or so.

I arrived at the house though and went to the cellar where I found my parents and my grandmother. The house was badly damaged, but they were fine. Only my granny seemed to be in some state of shock and she wasn't wearing any trousers. O_O

That was the end of the dream. I remember waking up and just being like OMFG WTH WAS THAT. It was so detailed, clear and real and I can still feel the shock and the breathlessness in my lungs. Wow.

dreams, personal stuff, about me, idek, me being weird

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