Apr 26, 2013 11:47

So, okay. I've been to Japan... wow. I still can't believe it myself. Everything went so fast, I barely had time to think about what the hell is going on LOL I'll try to write some kind of report here, with some of the best pictures, so let's see what I'm still remembering XD

It started with the sudden news that I'll have 4 weeks of vacation. NOW. And I was like O__O okay... so what to do with 4 weeks? I knew staying at home would drive me crazy, cos my parents drive me up the wall after a short period of time in the same house. So I was looking for tips on what to do. I was asking all my friends, hoping someone would say: "COME TO ME!" and someone actually did! In Japan! (THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU ameshinju) And despite me being someone who hates being spontaneous I started looking for flights! ....... 3 days later I was sitting in a plane XD

I knew I wanted to fly over on a weekend, because I had no idea about Japan at all and I really wanted my friend to pick me up from the airport. It was the right thing to do, because I really doubt I woud've found my way to the trains, not even talking about the 2 stops where I had to change trains... *shudders*, because despite most of the stuff being in english as well... it's all so confusing XD

Here a look out of the train - my first look at Japan.

At first it looked like Germany... I don't know why, but I expected the country to look completely different LOL

We had to change trains in Ueno/Tokyo and with one hour time on hour hands we went out of the station to take a look around.

Now I definitely knew I'm not in Germany anymore XD Very beautiful first moments.

Our trip took us to Iwaki/Fukushima far away from Tokyo (and yes, it's THAT Fukushima and no I'm NOT glowing in the dark now XD)
It's a tiny quiet town compared to Tokyo and it isn't much different from the smaller towns in Germany. I loved walking around, taking pictures and taking everything in.

On my second night I experienced my first earthquake. It was... cool? I don't know if that's the right word to use, considering how much damage an earthquake can cause. I was almost asleep and suddenly it felt as if someone was standing on my bed, causing the mattress to move. I opened my eyes and there was nobody and all of the sudden I realized that the whole room was moving, not just my bed O__o It felt as if lying in a hammock and someone is swinging you really fast from side to side. SO WEIRD. Next morning we found out that it was a 5.6, so a really big one too. There were 3 more during the week - one I slept through, a tiny one during karaoke that the others barely felt, and a last one while I was on the 7th floor in a shopping mal and all the clothes started swaying on the racks XD It's amazing how used to the earthquakes these people are. They didn't even stop walking or pausing in their talks, while I was clinging to my chair XD

Okay, so I'll see if I can get some of order into this report, cos I won't go into every detail about everything. I'll just name stuff that stuck in my mind about country and people.

1. Japanese people are exactly like you can see in tv shows or movies - bowing down all the time while talking to you and when they think they're being rude or interrupting you they bow down far enough that their nose almost touches the ground. It made me uncomfortable at times.

2. In public toilets there are no paper towels or dryers to dry your hands after washing them, because everyone in Japan carries their own handkerchiefs or tiny towels. So either do the same or use your clothes XD

3. Apropos public toilets - expect to find this:

4. Most of the signs are in Japanese and in English, but don't expect a lot of people to speak english outside of Tokyo. And if they do, don't expect to understand them. Mostly I didn't get a word XD

5. Avoid Tokyo subway or metro during rush hour at all costs. Trust me. You don't want to experience that XD (there are cars where only women are allowed in during rush hour, because people are standing so close that perverts have easy "groping access" under skirts :/ )

6. In Japan everything is packed at least twice. And you get plastic packs with everything. Even if you buy just one item and you tell them you don't want a bag - you get one XD Basically everything is plastic. No glass bottles whatsoever. Either plastic bottles or cans.

7. There are no rubbish bins/trash cans in the streets or parks, because people are supposed to take their stuff home with them and throw it away. I was carrying a coffee cup in my bag all day BECAUSE THERE IS NOTHING TO THROW IT AWAY. Argh.

8. You can find vending machines at every corner. Literally. Sometimes 4 or 5 at once. With food, drinks and other stuff. As long as you carry some coins you will never starve or die of thirst XD

9. Japanes Television is 99% game shows and soap operas, with a bit of comic shows and kid's tv XD

10. 1000 Yen ~ 8€ - very hard to get used to these high numbers of money XD

11. The country side feels as if it's at least 60 years behind. No central heating, sometimes even no sewerage.

12. Karaoke is indeed everywhere and seems mandatory if you visit the country XD

13. Streets have no names. At least I never saw one. Doesn't make it easier to find places when you're used to find your way with street names XD

14. school kids wear uniforms and schools are run with military discipline. (I accompanied ameshinju into 4 classes and talked about Germany - I don't think German classes would have been that quiet and attentive XD)

15. You don't walk into houses/flats/appartments with your shoes on. There's always a place to leave your shoes and you either get slippers or you bring them yourself. Even in the school you leave your shoes in lockers in the foyer. And even though the floor is clean and everyone wears slippers you still have to change into different slippers when you wanna go to the bathroom XD

That's all I can think of right now and I'm gonna do a second entry with more pictures, or this one will become too big XD

To be continued HERE

vacation, real life, japan, my life, happy, personal stuff, about me, photos

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