Jan 29, 2005 11:26
I n F o R m A t I o N
.:. name: Lizzy
.:. single or taken: very happily take
.:. sex: female
.:. birthday: april 17th
.:. siblings: 3 half sisters & 1 half brother
.:. hair color: reddish blondish brownish
.:. eye color: blueish greenish brownish yellowish haha
.:. shoe size: 8 1/2 or 9
.:. height: 5'4
R e L a T i O n S h I p S
.:. who is your best friend?: Taylor, Amanda, Alex, Bethany, Brittain, n then all my girls!!
.:. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: yupp
S p E c I f I c S
.:. what kind of shampoo do you use?: Pantene ProV
.:. what are you most scared of?: being alone, going back to old habits, spiders
.:. who is the last person that called you?: Alex
.:. where do you want to get married?: on a beach at sunset hehe
.:. what would you change about yourself?: my past...and just some stupid habits
F a V o R i T e S
.:. color: black and pink
.:. food: turkey hill chocolate chip icecream, lobster
.:. subjects in school: uhhh bio?
.:. animals: kittys
.:. sports: basketball
H a V e Y o U e V e R
.:. given anyone a bath?: my kitty
.:. bungee jumped?: hell no
.:. made yourself throw up?: yeah once because i had an advil stuck behind my tonsils and i could barely breathe so i had to get that sucker out
.:. skinny dipped?: well kinda...with anna haha some random people pool
.:. ever been in love?: i am right now
.:. made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: nah not really im just emotional
.:. pictured your crush naked?: umm obviously
.:. cried when someone died?: yup..it's hard
.:. fallen for your best friend?: i had a crush on my best guy friend....
.:. been rejected?: yupp in 5th grade by greg zuboff hahahahha
.:. rejected someone?: yeah and i felt bad
.:. used someone?: nope i hate people who use people
.:. done something you regret?: yeah a lot of things but i think everything happens for a reason
C u R r E n T
.:. clothes: basketball shorts, reversible, comfy pants, beater, sweatshirt and socks
.:. annoyance: the alarm clock
.:. desktop picture: linkin park
.:. book youre reading: nothing
.:. in cd player: Dashboard Confessional
.:. in dvd player: Love and Basketball
.:. color of toenails: purple
L a S t P e R s O n
.:. you touched: Geoffy
.:. hugged: my mom
.:. you yelled at: the ref at last nites game...that ref was so gay all his calls were BULLSHIT
.:. you kissed: my baby geoffy
.:. understanding: i think so
.:. open-minded: nahh not really
.:. arrogant: no
.:. insecure: unfortunately yeah...im getting better tho
.:. interesting: i try to be
.:. random: haha deffinately
.:. hungry: nahh
.:. smart: kinda
.:. moody: yeahhhh i have mood swings like whoa
.:. hard working: if i care about it yeah otherwise no
.:. organized: sometimes
.:. healthy: yeah i think so
.:. shy: NOOOOO
.:. difficult: sometimes
.:. bored easily: sometimes
.:. messy: yeah
.:. obsessed: with Geoffyyy!
R a N d O m
.:.In the morning i am: immensly tired
.:. all i need is: my friends, geoff, my mommy, my other fam and basketball
.:. love is: something you cant fully describe, its amazing though
O p P o S i T e SeX
.:. what do you notice first: appearance(looks, clothes, eyes, smile, etc)
.:. last person you slow danced with: geoffy to whiskey lullaby
.:. makes you laugh the most: geoff for guys and tayla for girls
.:. makes you smile: idk everyone who means something to me
.:. who do you have a crush on: Geoffrey Robert Mahoney(and its more then a crush)
.:. who has a crush on you: uhh i hope geoffy does!
D o Y o U
.:. wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: i used to but not so much anymore
.:. wish you were younger: idk i kinda wanna be a little kid again but then again i wanna see what lies ahead of me
.:. cry because someone said something to you?: yeah but i dont do it in public
N u M b E r
.:. of times i have had my heart broken: a lot by the same person
.:. of hearts i have broken: i dont know
F i N a L q U e S t I o N s
.:. gold or silver: silver
.:. who would you love being locked in a room with?: uhh geoff or chester from linkin park haha i love you geoff....dont worry i just wanna meet chester nothing kinky!!