I'll Stand by you

Apr 26, 2007 00:12

Hey all,
How goes it? Pretty good here. I thought It was about time for another installment of my daily life. I'll Try not to Dwell on my mom Stuff. Sarah and I decided it would be best for me not to speak to her right now. She's Far away. So the aviodence is simple. Its just so hard but whatever it needed to be done. Enough about that.
We went to hastings the other day and Bought Anchorman cause it was so hilarious. We also rented Stranger then Fiction which was a Good movie. Very Funny in places. But good. I must be getting to be a Huge Will Farrell Fan. He's so funny. I used to like him on SNL so yeah.
We also rented Texas Chainsaw massacre the begining. We are gonna watch it today. Hopefully it'll be good. And Hopefully not as Gory as I expect.
I still cant wait for puppy to get here. We got her a doggie Tag that looks like a pumpkin and says her info. It is so cute and so perfect.
Idol tonight was just okay too. Idol Gives back is just so cheesy. :P But I liked Carrie Underwood doing I'll stand by you.
I suppose thats it.
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