Jan 20, 2009 09:33
Just think, the Bush family crap is probably being packed up right now. Woo hoo! A new era for America is beginning. I know at least one person in England is following CNN live to watch the events of today in America. I know in my lifetime there has never been such excitement about an inauguration. I went to Clinton's inauguration and I'm more excited about this one. I kinda wish I'd gone up to D.C. for it, but I have things to do down here this week. 20 days ago I was in D.C. and I got to see things from the perspective of a foreigner and that was pretty cool. To me, D.C. has never been a big deal because I grew up outside of it. I know it's our Nation's capital, but I don't usually get all excited about it, so it was good to see it from the perspective of someone else.
Anyway, happy Inauguration Day!