The Oceanside Project: Troubadour Part One

Apr 25, 2014 00:19

"Same Shit Different Sims"

Warnings: Woohoo, Angsty Art, Bro-dates, Cheating, Romance Sims

Day One:

Meet the Troubadours, the artistic dynamic duo of Oceanside. Matisse, an artist, hopes to open up an art gallery. Kendrick, a musician, wants to open a bar and club. Matisse needs to max out her Creativity and Arts & Crafts enthusiasm and Kendrick needs to max out his Music & Dance enthusiasm in order for the siblings to meet their goals.

Matisse's traits are: Artistic - Dramatic - Eco-Friendly - Commitment Issues - Absent-Minded.

Kendrick's traits are: Night Owl - Dislikes Children - Flirty - Star Quality - Virtuoso

Kendrick begins to work on his music enthusiasm by practicing on the old six string.

While the more responsible of the twins, Matisse, studies Couples Counseling. Since farmer Owen Goodacre and builder Fitz Biltmore are furious with each other, politician Malcolm Landgraab X thought it would be a good idea that someone becomes a lawyer in case there is any trouble. Matisse thinks she can be impartial and wants a crack at the job. How hard can being a lawyer be anyways?

Ah, Brodie Mason our sometime Mail Carrier, graces the Troubadours with her presence. Nice to see you decided to come back to work, Brodie.

Kendrick stops strumming for a bit to chat with Brodie. He's been hearing rumors about Brodie trying to hook-up with his sister's boyfriend Diego Bossanova. As a protective brother he cannot let that happen. As a Romance sim he cannot let another Romance sim have more conquests then he does.

See what I mean?

Kendrick tries to regale Brodie with stories of his heroism.
Kendrick: then the pack of wolves chased me off of the Goodacre's Farm. They tried to kill me!
Um, it was one wolf and she's actually rather friendly. You're just a fraidy cat.

Kendrick actually thinks Brodie is pretty heinous but he's determined to be friends with her. He has to get her away from Diego some kind of way.
Kendrick: Connor, a little help here?
Connor: Sorry Bro, you're on your own with that...

Kendrick finally leaves Brodie alone so she can get back to work.

Matisse fills her brain with laws and bylaws and loopholes in those laws.

Troubadour Twins skilling powers - activate!

Yes, you should be proud of yourself Matisse. Now go get a job!

Yes, yes, you're both awesome.

Famished, Matisse makes lunch meat sandwiches for herself and Kendrick.

Yep, they're related.

After lunch, Matisse heads out to her make-shift art studio on the side porch and practices her craft.

Kendrick continues to practice this time on the drums. The drums seem to be his favorite and help rid him of his pent-up aggression (like how his girlfriend is pregnant by some other dude...)

That looks pretty Matisse. What is it?
Matisse: Well it's obviously a representation on how society only values the conventional standard of beauty and how females of said society must adhere to outdated practices of wearing make-up and sexy clothing in order to receive attention from the dominating males in said society only to be objectified and placed in a bubble that says all girls must like the color pink.
I totally see that.

All of that artistic angst left Matisse in a bad mood so...

she takes a long hot bath and ...

calls Diego to cheer her up.

Diego and Matisse are in love with each other but with her commitment issues and his wandering eye I'm not sure if they will last.

The visit from Diego did the trick. Matisse bids him good night. She has to get up early to work her way up the lawyer ladder.

Diego: Wait, so I was just a booty call?
Pretty much, yeah.

Kendrick keeps on truckin' and is invited to the Music & Dance hobby lot.
(Edwina Goddard got a make-over as well as the other hobby enthusiasts. Thank you Alternate Sim Surgery! How I wish I knew about you years ago!)

Day Two:

Matisse is up early and ready for her first day of work.

She has some spare time to work on her masterpiece.

Kendrick awakens and heads directly to the spare bedroom to jam on his guitar.

Frankie: Romeo, Romeo? Where for art thou Romeo?
Frankie Cloak, newsie, teenager, forever alone *tear*

It's actually starting to look like something, Matisse!
Matisse: I call it "Becca in Green on Pink" mmmmhmmmmm.

When the carpool arrives Matisse changes into her most conservative outfit and heads to work. I think tennis shoes is still too casual Matisse, but what do I know.

Kendrick is kicking ass! He might unlock the Music career before the end of Spring!

Still wanting to help out his sister, or so he says, Kendrick wants take his relationship with Brodie to the next step.

So as soon as Brodie comes along to collect the bills, Kendrick pounces. Alas Brodie wants nothing of his shirtless smooth talk.

Kendrick: I did tell you I was chased by wolves didn't I? Barely lived to tell the tale!
~My hero~

The conversation goes a tad bit better but Kendrick still gags when he thinks of anything romantic with Brodie.

So he heads inside...

and invites his girlfriend, Minka Yomoshoto, over.

Being the visual and artistic person that she is, of course Matisse sorts the files by color!

Whomever this Mr. Vanderseaux is he definitely lacks your vision, Matisse Troubadour!

Thank goodness you cannot make her even more pregnant, Kendrick Troubadour!

He's a charmer, that one.

Even after the color-coded files mishap Matisse is still promoted.

Feeling tired and looking for some fun, Matisse decides to lay out in the sun for a bit. I mean, when your backyard is a beach you might as well make the best of it, right?

Kendrick receives a call from Brodie.

Luckily Minka is none-the-wiser since she's upstairs banging on the drum on Kendrick's balcony.

As night begins to fall Diego walks by.

Matisse jumps at the chance to spend another night with her man.

Since her buddy, chef George Lambswool strolls by, Matisse invites him over as well. They haven't had a lot of time to hang out and Matisse feels that she's losing him as a friend. Some fun gossip should remedy that.

Matisse: So did you hear about Malcolm?
George: No, what happened?

Matisse: He totes got fired!


Kendrick, still on the phone with Brodie, doesn't see his girl heart-farting over Diego. By the way, where are you going Diego?

I should have known...

Matisse: Do you have any protection?
Diego: Nah, Minka says that stuff doesn't work anyway. Don't worry I won't get you pregnant.

WHAT!???? Matisse you are the queen of soda can birth control, tell me you did not get pregnant?


I bet you're so proud of yourself aren't you Diego. ~No we don't need soda in the woohoo. It doesn't work~ Now look at what happened!

George is still here relaxing in the hot tub when...

George: I think the Watcher is trying to tell me something.
Yeah, stay the hell out of the hot tub when it's raining, you doofus! On the bright side, if he survives one more of these he can enter the Priest career. Woot!

Part Two

troubadour, bacc, sims 2, oceanside sims

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