Yomoshoto/Bossanova: The Wedding Special

Sep 10, 2016 15:44

"Final Fantasy"

Warnings: inappropriate wedding behavior, sappy toasts, disillusioned ex's, and not as badly posed as before wedding photos.

Wednesday, Day 17

Today is a day of mixed emotions for our girl Minka Yomoshoto.

On one hand she's sad and frustrated that her children were taken from her. On the other hand she's happy and excited to walk down the aisle with the man of her dreams.

Blowing off work yet another day, Minka spends the morning setting up her backyard for the wedding.

She even transforms her little pier into the perfect wedding venue!

Frankie Cloak: Congratulations Ms. Yomoshoto!

Minka always busts out the logic ball when she's nervous and today is no exception. Luckily best man Connor Firestone and bridesmaid Selena Firestone arrive just in time to help alleviate some stress.

Groom Diego Bossanova finally shows up and is greeted by Minka in her usual fashion.

Minka send out the invites to their friends and plus ones.

With all of his uncertainty about ditching his bachelorhood, Diego is actually really excited to marry Minka. He can't believe she still wants him after all that he's done.

*Neither can I...*

The guests arrive in their formal finery...

and make their way to the pier to find a seat.


Minka looks lovely in her custom-made wedding gown!

Diego looks good too... I guess.

And the ceremony begins.

They exchange rings...

and seal it with a kiss.

What? That's it? Where's Diego's money?

Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Bossanova!!

Oh, Noelee!

Overwhelmed by all of the attention Minka brings out the logic ball again.

Diego: Babe, put that away. We have to take pictures.

Noelee: We could be next! *grabs ass*

Driver Noelee Andrews grabs girlfriend natural scientist Yasmin Onnen's butt in front of everyone. Chef George Lambswool is mortified!

Sadie: Really??

Officer Sadie Biltmore is not amused.

Nanny Angie Killeen and politician Malcolm Landgraab also cringe with embarrassment.

Weddings always seem to make the attendees nostalgic for their own weddings. Even though architect Fitz Biltmore and his wife Sadie had a private wedding it was still a special event.

It was just last season that Angie and Cindy Lou Killeen started their lives together.

And who can forget the first couple married in Oceanside, Selena and Connor.

Noelee hopes she and Yaz will be next on that list.

Before moving on with the festivities the newlyweds and their wedding party pose for photos.


Minka sets up the buffet...

while her hubby sets up his boom box for dancing.

Cindy Lou is the first to make a toast.

Cindy Lou: You were there for us on our big day and we are so happy to be a part of yours! Congratulations Minka and Diego!

Angie and Minka: Hear, Hear!

Minka is so happy. Nothing could ruin this day.

Sadie has never been a fan of Minka Yomoshoto but seeing Diego finally settle down makes her smile. She wishes nothing but the best for them both.

Sadie: I guess this means I need to remove that bomb I put in the foundation...


Fitz: I wish the best for my good friend Minka and her new husband. Hopefully they can forget that Diego was the reason Minka's children were taken away and they can move on!

Angie and Diego: *awkward smiles*

Selena and Connor are tearing up the dance floor!

It's cake time! Minka asked George to make her wedding cake since she doesn't care to give that jerk Paragon Barrett her money.


Everyone rushes to get their slice.

Although the tables were set up on the beach it's a little too chilly to eat outside. Most of the party comes inside to eat.

Diego finds a nice quiet place to eat his cake in peace. He needs a break from the well-wishers and weird toasts.

Instead of giving an actual toast, Malcolm just practices one of his campaign speeches on everyone. They've already had so much nectar they barely notice.

Minka reappears and basks in the love from her friends.

Cindy Lou awkwardly dances off to the side by herself.

It's getting too chilly for artist Matisse Troubadour and her SO Kent Healey.

Selena's got the right idea. Get warm in the hot tub!

Achilles Brook storms up to Minka's house after learning that his son was taken away by Child Services. He stops cold in his tracks not believing what he's seeing. Minka and Diego are married?!

Seamstress Dawn Lambswool and hubby George dance off the cake and nectar.

Give him some slack will ya, he got married!

After the guests leave Minka and Diego start their honeymoon.

Still no little Bossanova on the way but it was fun to try.

Afterwards the couple clean up after all of the party guests.

Minka: I'm never taking this dress off!

Achilles returns...

and takes his frustration out on the newspaper.

While Minka continues to clean Diego heads out to Goodacre's Grocery Store to fill the fridge.

Back at home...

Minka walks into the kids' room for the first time since they were taken. She wonders if they're OK. Do they have enough skill toys to play with? Are they clean? Have they been eating? Would they be happy to know their Mommy's married? Will they ever call her Mommy again?

Diego returns with the groceries...

and he's looking to woohoo!

As he holds Minka he reassures her that everything will be OK. They'll get the kids back and have some more of their own. She just needs to have faith.


  • Connor was chosen as best man because he had the highest relationship score with Diego. Minka is at 100/100 with Selena, Angie, Matisse, and Vivian! I chose Selena to be bridesmaid because 1. She's Diego's sister, 2. Minka was the bridesmaid at her wedding, 3. Selena was Minka's first friend, and 4. She's never tried to steal Diego away from her or heartfarted over him (see reason #1). And, of course, Selena's been rooting for them the whole time and helped them get back together. #truefriend
  • I almost had Felicity bring Minka's kids to the wedding but I thought it would be weird considering there were no other children invited. Also I thought it made more sense that Minka wouldn't be allowed to see her children until she's done what was requested of her to get them back.
  • Minka kept her last name and so did Diego. There's no way I was getting rid of Yomoshoto and I actually like Diego staying a Bossanova.

Thank you for reading!!! ^.^


selena bossanova firestone, kent healey, goodacre's grocery store, winter 01, yasmin onnen, frankie cloak, sadie winchester biltmore, matisse troubadour, george lambswool, cindy lou larsen killeen, noelee andrews, dawn lambswool, fitz biltmore, yomoshoto, achilles brook, angie killeen, bossanova, minka yomoshoto, malcolm landgraab x, diego bossanova, wedding special, paragon barrett, year 1, connor firestone

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