The Oceanside Project: Oceanside Laboratories

May 14, 2015 10:04

I'm quite proud of my little lab so prepare for a ridiculous amount of picture spam after the cut!

Located at 1000 Science Square in Port Oceanside and owned by scientist Achilles Brook, Oceanside Laboratories is a state of the art facility for brilliant minds.

The exterior is wrapped in corrugated metal siding to withstand the elements.

The building's electricity is powered by solar panels located on the 1st floor roof...

and wind mills on the ground.

An elaborate construction of staircases leads to the building's highest floors.

The Waiting Room
At the front entry is the Receptionist's Desk and the Waiting Room. Oceanside Laboratories is for Lab employees only. Regular folk need visitor's passes beyond this point. Of course, since there is no receptionist, any sim can walk freely through the lab.

The Tech Station

The Waiting Room looks into the Tech Station where medicine is created and stored.

The Research Lounge

The Research Lounge is where the scientists can do research, lounge, or play a game of chess on their breaks. Stairs lead up to the 2nd floor while a passageway leads down to Achilles' lab.

The Hallway

A fancy sculpture greets visitors at the side employee entrance and hallway.

The trophy case houses the awards Oceanside Laboratories has won for their advancements in Science.

Test Lab

The Test Lab has inventions that are not yet ready to be unveiled to the public. These inventions are still being worked on and tinkered with. There's also plenty of microscopes to look through and note pads to jot down findings.

Think Tank

The Think Tank is where Achilles' ideas are flushed out using whatever materials he can find during the preliminary stages. His energizing machine is currently running on potato power (just like my kid's science project this year).

The Conference Room
The Conference Room is where Achilles shows the world his latest inventions and scientific break-throughs. His current completed invention being showcased is the Weather Machine™.

The completed Weather Machine is located on the 2nd floor deck right off of the conference room awaiting a demonstration for the press.

The Cafeteria

The 3rd floor houses the Lab's eatery, break room, and outdoor dining area.

Scientifically modified meals are served free of charge. Like anyone would really want to eat that mush...

The Inventions Cubes

On the 4th and 5th floors completed inventions are on display. Test subjects are not allowed to use these items unless supervised by a level 3 Field Researcher.

The Observation Deck

On the Observation Deck sims can search the skies for stars, constellations, planets, or other "intelligent" life.

Secret Lab

In the basement is a lab accessible only to Achilles...

Achilles' Desk Area

Achilles' obsession with what he considers the perfect woman, vintage icon Bella Goth, has lead to some... interesting experiments.

Atop Achilles' desk is s framed photo of his son Hiro.

Achilles uses his drafting table to sketch out his many invention ideas.

Medical Bay

On the way to inventing the next super serum you sometimes hit bumps in the road. The Medical Bay is here just in case the test subjects need to be brought back to life.

The Cloning Chamber

Here lies Achilles' greatest achievement -- and his biggest secret -- a living, breathing clone! I wonder whose DNA Achilles used for this...

Exterior Front

Exterior Side

Exterior Back

Overhead View

Observation Deck

5th Floor

4th Floor

3rd Floor: Cafeteria

2nd Floor: Conference Room, Test Lab, Think Tank, Bathroom, and Deck

1st Floor: Waiting Room, Research Lounge, Tech Station, Hallways, and Bathrooms

Basement: Cloning Lab, Achilles' Office, Medical Bay and Bathroom

Neighborhood View

The only two buildings in Port Oceanside so far -- the Lab and the Natural Science Museum.

Notes: I know nothing about science or what should go into a science lab so I stuck whatever I thought should go in there? Hopefully it looks logical.

Once the Business District is unlocked Achilles will visit the Lab during his rotation. After that, once the Hospital is unlocked, artificial insemination can unlock... dun dun DUN!

I was quite proud that I did my own recolors of stuff. ^.^ I recolored Psychosims Wall Ads with a converted billboard of Mistyfluff's. I used part of that logo for the wall posters (I messed up and flipped the image but it's corrected now :P). And I recolored the deco baby with my default skins. Yay! Science!

Credits: Oceanside Labs is my remake of SofijaDosen's makeover of the Curious Brothers' house. I rebuilt it on a smaller, flat lot, and gave it a foundation so I could place the secret lab.

Nanashi's Laboratory Set

SynapticSim's Plasma Generator, Cloning Tube and Containment Tube

Crisps&Kerosene's Spirit Jar

Links to more items used might be on my Science Lab Pinterest.

Special shout-out to Budgie2Budgie whose tumblr gave me a lot of inspiration to clutter more!

Thanks for stopping by! ^.^

bella goth, onnen natural science museum, lot tour, achilles brook, bacc, brook, oceanside sims, port oceanside, hiro yomoshoto, sims 2, oceanside laboratories

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