The Oceanside Project: Andrews

Nov 29, 2014 23:00

"Taxi Driver"

Warnings: catnip, a stinky dog, environmentalists, and more old music references.

Wednesday, Day 10
"The Welcome Wagon"

The newest resident of Oceanside is the lovely Noelee Andrews. Noelee is Oceanside's designated driver for sims who cannot drive on their own or have no car. Noelee is a Popularity/Family 3-6-7-3-6 Gemini whose lifetime want is to be a Visionary. She has high interests in the environment and money and her happy place is when she's one with Nature. She's attracted to unemployed blonde sims and must harbor some self-hatred because she's not attracted to red-headed sims at all. Her traits are flirty, social butterfly, good sense of humor, charismatic, and activist.

Noelee brings with her two adorable pets!

Athena is a white Persian fluffy ball lady cat.

And Boomer is a miniature Boxer dude.

Since the Welcome Wagon NEVER shows up Vivian Landgraab, Oceanside's First Lady, formed her own comprised of her besties. (Selena just happened to be walking by. Selena Firestone is not a bestie... yet.) Noelee anxiously greets everyone into her home.

She rolls this as soon as she shakes hands with Malcolm Landgraab, X! Watch yourself Noelee...

Matisse Troubadour is still fuming at her ex Diego Bossanova for smacking her around at their daughter's birthday party. She already had her revenge by taking in a new man Kent Healey, but she still wants to hurt Diego more.

Matisse starts in on a dirty joke about an alien ghost with her bestie Minka Yomoshoto...

but Minka doesn't think it's funny one bit. Matisse still doesn't know what's going on between her and Minka. Why did she have to change on Matisse?

Matisse tries to get info from Vivian on Minka's weirdness towards her.
Matisse: Do you think it's because I was right about soda in the woohoo preventing pregnancy and she was wrong?
Vivian: I don't know. You know how sensitive those sciencey types are. They don't like to be wrong.

Matisse: There she goes again, playing that stupid logic game instead of socializing. And remember she had that meltdown and was acting like a monkey? I'm really worried about her!
If you only knew, Matisse Troubadour. Minka is not that good of a friend to you!

Selena is the first to christen Noelee's toilet.

Noelee is deeply concerned about environmental issues on the island. She worries about the amount of waste each household accumulates per season and what Oceanside's government is doing to dispose of it responsibly. However George Lambswool is just a chef not a waste manager!

Matisse is next to defile the toilet. All of these pregnant sims...

Selena plays fake-a-throw with Boomer who is grateful for any human contact.

Now you're talking to the right sims, Noelee. Minka can help figure out a way to make Oceanside more energy efficient and eco-friendly.

Athena: Two guesses where he's headed...

Uh-huh. Well, to be fair, this did used to be their hot tub.

Athena heard the cries a baby kitten and went to investigate but it was only the sound of the Lambswool's cat, General Zod, screaming while Minka plays with him.

Selena joins Viv and Malcolm in the hot tub while Noelee serves Pink Bunnies for her guests.

Noelee hopes that after a few drinks politician Malcolm will be open to her ideas on saving the planet!

Oh Matisse, not again!

Malcolm: Hey Selena, would you mind....

Selena: Great Plumbobs! You could wait until I'm out before you woohoo all in the water. Ugh!

A nice stiff drink will help you forget what you just saw!

Noelee: Maybe I don't want to forget. *sexy eyes at Malcolm*
Stop it, stop it right now!!

George plays fetch with Hilda the Hyena and Athena gets love from animal lover Minka.

I don't get it. Minka is in boy-crazy mode or something.

Noelee: Did you hear? At NPC-palooza Abbot woohooed the paper boy, Edwina woohooed the mailman, Angie woohooed the cashier, and Paragon woohooed the paper girl! It was EPIC!
Noelee really isn't the one you should tell your deepest secrets to.

What is with all of these sexy looks?! You cheated on Viv once, Mister, and I'm not going to let it happen again! Stay away from Matisse!!

Please get out of the street Athena! I know there aren't very many cars in Oceanside but someone could still run you over!

While napping under the stairs Boomer dreams of evil hampers that are out to destroy him.

Malcolm joins the ladies in the hot tub while his wife Vivian is left out in the cold.

Pregnant Minka finds the limbo pole on the beach and has no problem going under it on the highest setting. Please don't lower the bar and try again. You will break your back!

Finally alone with Malcolm, Noelee brings up the idea of opening a recycling center in Oceanside. She tells him she would be happy to run it and it would be a great way to reuse the waste and combat pollution.

But Malcolm shuts her down. The island is not big enough yet for a recycling center. Maybe they can build one once the Business District is up and running. Noelee is disappointed but still has hope for the future.

Malcolm: Now what I want to talk about is your first woohoo. It was with Yasmin Onnen, correct? Hmmm...
In case you forgot that Malcolm is a perv.

Minka does her best to stay away from the others. She just doesn't feel like socializing right now. She knows she has a big decision to make between her new man, Achilles, and her new love, Diego.

Vivian: Don't forget to call me, George *wink, wink*

Matisse: Yes! I knew Viv had a crush on George Lambswool! Now I don't feel so guilty sleeping with her husband!

Vivian: What did you just say?
Matisse: Nothin' *sexy-walks away*


Ack! I didn't get the notification that she had to go to work :(

It's finally time to say goodbye to the Welcome Wagon. (thank the Watcher!)

After her guests leave Noelee takes a dip in the ocean.

Along with her taxi car Noelee also has a taxi boat. It's quicker to reach the other side of the island in a boat than by land. Plus when the Business District opens she can ferry sims back and forth. More profit!

For Noelee's first dinner in her new condo she whips up an island favorite shrimp gumbo!

Ah, this is the life! Noelee feared she would be stuck in the cave on the other side of the island for eternity. She is so thankful to have a house all her own, on the beach no less!

She feeds her babies...

and turns in for the night.

Thursday, Day 11
"A Gentleman Caller"

Noelee scarfs down leftovers before work.

Boomer keeps watch on the porch.

See! I didn't get that yesterday *pouts*

Noelee changes into her not-at-all-sexy work attire and heads to the cab.

While Noelee's at work Athena and Boomer play with each other around the yard.

My motto is to always do the chance cards but since there was nothing there I ignored it.

Kent Healey, Matisse's new love, happens to stop by Noelee's house. If you remember, Noelee and Kent got pretty cozy at NPC-palooza -- much to my chagrin.

Poor Boomer needs love and attention.

How could you resist that face!

Kent rings the doorbell but Noelee is still at work. At least he's more proactive and tries the door instead of loitering around the front yard for hours. Kent leaves a note for Noelee asking her to call him when she gets home.

Good job! Noelee needs the extra money. She's super broke!

After Noelee cleans herself up she calls Kent.

There he is in all of his retro 70's artsy glory. No wonder Noelee is so attracted to him *rolls eyes*

Noelee greets Kent with a big kiss...

and Kent leaps into her arms. Maybe their relationship is more serious than I thought.

Uh boy. They're triple bolters!

HA! ~I'm sorry I stole your boyfriend but I hope you don't hate me~

So what do these two lovebirds do next...

WRONG! They play hacky sack! FOR FOREVER!!!!

Athena joins in as well.

The stinkiness of Boomer kills the mood.

And Noelee goes to bed.

Kent: But I thought after hacky sack was woohoo?
You thought wrong, Kent.

Watch out for the catnip addicted cat on your way out.

Friday, Day 12
"Girl In The Flower Dress"

When Noelee wakes up she immediately scorns Boomer for his stinkiness instead of -- oh I don't know -- WASHING HIM!

Instead she buys him a water wiggler.

Yasmin Onnen, Natural Scientist and Noelee's main squeeze, walks by hoping to catch Noelee before she leaves for work. Unfortunately she's already left.

Mailman Lars Shadow loves all of the animals in this hood and they all love him.

Yasmin returns later in the day. Still no Noelee.

Owen Goodacre walks by and gives a begging Boomer a snack.

Boomer turns right around and assaults poor Owen!

Owen: Dang! That's the last time I give a treat to that flea-bag!


Just in time for Noelee to return home with another promotion!

Noelee loves that Yasmin and her pets get along so well.

Noelee greets Yasmin with a big kiss... So what do these two lovebirds do next...

Definitely NOT hacky sack!

Noelee falls in love with Yasmin ^.^

Wait... who's that out front?

Well Kent, I think you might have missed your chance with Noelee!

Maybe our environmentalist should pay more attention to the toxic wasteland in her own yard.

Meh, her mind is on other things.

While Yaz mixes drinks...

Noelee cooks spaghetti.

After much smooching, Yasmin falls in love with Noelee!

Saturday, Day 13
"Noelee's Choice"

In the middle of the night the island's oldest resident sneaks in.

Calista: Ah Ha! You thought the Visitor Controller would keep me away! My magic transcends all mods!

Calista: Wait! What's happening to meeeeeee.........

Thanks for the lamp though!

Noelee's morning was spent cleaning which she did not appreciate.

Athena sympathizes.

Noelee finds a strange lamp in the middle of the street. It looks ancient! She decides to store it away and give it to her honey, Yasmin. Maybe Yaz can put it in her new museum!

Oohwe! Look at that face! I'll never force you to clean again!

Yasmin spent the night in the hot tub but had to hurry home to get ready for work.

After she was done cleaning Noelee took a shower and called Yasmin to see if she wanted to go on a date.

But she was still at work.

After paying rent Noelee has very little money left. Living in the condo is a dream but with all of the bills she has to pay, and the little money she has coming in, Noelee is barely staying afloat. She might have to consider getting a roommate or moving in with someone else.

Noelee practices making small talk in her bathroom mirror. Maybe if she's more personable she will get bigger tips from her fares!


After jokes...

and a rousing game of catch it's clear to Noelee that Kent isn't ready to take their attraction further. He's in love with Matisse and she's in love with Yasmin. Maybe they can just be friends that kiss every now and again.

She kisses him goodbye...

and calls Yasmin.

Good thing you stopped making out with Kent on the front lawn...

Noelee knows that Yasmin is the one she wants to be with. Hopefully she feels the same way.

Yasmin shares Noelee's views on stopping pollution and saving the environment. Yaz is ready to protest with her at Landgraab mansion in order to get laws passed.

Yep she's your ride or die chick, Noelee.

Noelee gives Yaz the old lamp she found. Yaz has never seen anything like it and definitely will add it to the Natural Science Museum as soon as it's built.

Apparently old island artifacts turn Yasmin on.

Meanwhile Athena destroyed her catnip mouse and had nothing else to play with.

So she got this dangly thingy.

The girls were starving (and their date was still going on) so Noelee cooked yummy Goopy Carbonara for them both.

Back in the hot tub Noelee tells Yaz about her idea for a recycling plant. Yaz totally agrees with her and says she'll help with getting it passed.

Noelee also tells Yaz about her dire financial situation. To that Yaz suggests Noelee move into her house. That way they can both share in the rent. Noelee enthusiastically says "Yes!"

Looks like Noelee is hoping for more then just being roomies ^.^

Notes: If you recall, from Angie Killeen's last round, Noelee was supposed to open the pet store. I instead decided to have a new sim from the 2nd pilgrimage be the owner of that store.

Credits: Taxi Boat (3t2 deco) by Theraven; Shrimp Gumbo meal by The Ninth Wave (Castaway Stories conversion).

Thanks for reading! ^.^

andrews, bacc, sims 2, oceanside sims

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