Living Doll, The Incident (Lost Spoilers), Writing A Lot

May 18, 2009 13:53

Slightly different format for this blog. Some noteworthy stuff (mostly on my Blogspot/Live Journal pages)

-         Done a Season 1 review for Skins. (Blogspot)
-         Filled out 2 questionnaires, one on fave shows and one on Fanfiction. Can be viewed on this blog
-         Speaking of the latter, working on a new Buffy one called Just Between Us Girls …
-         I wrote a tribute blog for The L Word. (Blogspot)

Buffy Comics - Arc Ratings

Twenty five issues have now been released and with the combination of five arcs and four standalones, we’ve certainly had some interesting times. However only one of them had consistent excellent through out.

1: The Long Way Home/The Chain

A good reopening for the series, nicely starting off the Twilight saga and also giving us Amy and Warren as villains. The characters certainly felt like the ones we knew on TV and the standalone issue only proved that pretending to be Buffy is a fatal and thankless task.

2: No Future For You/Anywhere But Here

The most engaging and cleverly plotted of the bunch with Faith put in the unfortunate position of either having to save a rogue slayer or kill her. Some of the pop culture references, including seeing The Doctor and Rose made me smile and Faith and Giles are a fantastic team IMO. The standalone wasn’t great but it did show that Buffy and Willow do need to follow y example as well.

3: A Beautiful Sunset/Wolves At The Gate

Easily the best standalone and although I’m not necessarily a Buffy/Satsu shipper, it’s hard to be against them as well. Their encounter with everyone catching them was certainly played for laughs and the idea that the scythe could also be used to reverse the slayer abilities was interesting. Plus Renee died and that was sad, though points to Xander for taking a stand against Dracula.

4: Time Of Your Life/After These Messages We’ll Be Right Back

Arc-wise, the fourth one bored me a lot. Maybe if I had actually read the Fray comics, I might have had more interest in the character but I didn’t and as much as I liked future stories, I didn’t get anything out of this. Even Future Willow wasn’t that great but I did like the minor stuff with Twilight/Amy/Warren. Is Riley really a bad guy now? Hopefully the character heavy Retreat five parter will shed light on that. As for the standalone, I thought it was fun and I liked seeing Angel and Cordy for a bit.

5: Harmonic Divergence/Swell/Predators And Prey/Safe/Living Doll

I sort of want to commend this arc in a way for finally allowing the world to know the existence about vampires but I sort of wished we had gotten stronger stories. Although the Faith/Giles story threw a WTF moment with ‘vampires are regret’, it was the only story where the stakes felt high. Still we did have some good moments with Kennedy/Satsu, Andrew actually showed genuine concern for allowing a slayer to fall off the wagon, Harmony became a reality TV star and Dawn finally turned back into a real girl. More on that below the blog.

Spoiler Section

-          It seems that Skins is actually getting a movie. The papers, Digital Spy and even the E4 site have more or less confirmed this. Is it wrong that I’m actually delighted about this? It doesn’t matter if the movie’s based on either the Seasons 1-2 cast or the Seasons 3-4 cast or a crazy combination of both, provided there’s a good story to be told.
-          Brothers And Sisters have cast Gilles Marini for the series fourth season but have yet to actually disclose what role he’s playing. My bet is that he’s being lined up as a love interest (Sarah most likely). It also seems that Balthazar Getty will be appearing in Season 4 as well as will Luke Grimes, though I’m uncertain if Ryan will become a regular.
-          Dollhouse has been renewed for a second season of thirteen episodes apparently. That means I can enjoy watching Season 1 (tomorrow, 9pm on Sci-Fi), knowing that it’s not going to be the end.
-          AfterEllen have done their own rundown of the hottest women. Well worth a read …

Ashes To Ashes - 2x04: Episode 12

The best episode of the season yet.

-         Operation Rose by Dr Death but who on Earth is this guy?
-         I actually found Mackintosh’s death satisfying; though I’m surprised they didn’t keep him longer on the show.
-         Every scene with Alex, Gene and Jackie was priceless.
-         This week, we got Roland Rat and various Sam/Annie mentions.

Review for this episode is up now. Blog version is also available on my Blogspot address. Episode 13 airs tonight at 9pm on BBC1.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer - 8x25: Living Doll

Not the best way to conclude this arc I have to admit.

-         Dawn as a doll being held against her will by an old bloke - yeah, that’s creepy.
-         Despite what he did, I actually liked Kenny in a way. Is that wrong?
-         Both Wolverine and Veronica Mars got mentioned.
-         What didn’t was anything to do with Twilight, though hilarious vampire attack here.

Review for these issues can be read here Tales Of The Vampires is released on June 3rd.

Brothers And Sisters - 3x19: Spring Broken

I really enjoyed this episode. Kevin, Tommy and Justin should go away more often without one of them fleeing.

-         Should’ve guessed the second that Tommy had a break through, he’d take off.
-         Justin brooded over Rebecca and Kevin and Scotty had to schedule sex. I know which couple I sympathised more with.
-         Ryan had better scenes with Sarah/Nora/Kitty than he did with Rebecca. I’m just saying
-         Robert realised at the end that Sarah was right about Kitty.

Review for this episode is up now. Blog version is also available on my Blogspot address. Missing airs on More4, Thursday at 10pm.

Dexter - 3x04: All In The Family

Not to be confused with a certain sitcom or anything related to it.

-         Dexter played Miguel and Ramon pretty much off each other.
-         Deb is snooping on Quinn after all. Anton defended him though.
-         Dexter/Rita got engaged, Astor played up and Rita got fired. Lot of domestics this episode.
-         Angel and Maria had better plots with Barbara and Ellen and I felt a bit sorry for Masuka here.

Review for this episode is up now. Blog version is also available on my Blogspot address. Turning Biminese airs Friday 10pm on FXUK.

Lost - 5x16/5x17: The Incident Parts 1 And 2

Brilliant but bloody confusing, which is typical of this show anyway.

-         Jacob got to interact with everyone except Juliet in flashbacks. That has to mean something and great casting with Mark Pellegrino as Jacob. Though the character was killed easily … or was he?
-         Locke in a steel coffin, Jacob’s enemy posing as Locke. Who’s coming though?
-         Loved the Jack/Kate/Sawyer/Juliet stuff in this episode. Are Juliet and Sayid also dead?
-         That ending was certainly a WTF moment of the highest order.

Season Six will air on ABC/Sky 1 in January/February 2010.

Desperate Housewives - 5x22: Marry Me A Little

This was pretty dull for a lead in episode.

-         Lynette/Tom plot of the week was seriously inane, as inane as Katherine/Mike’s relationship.
-         Jackson should be grateful that Dave had him deported instead of killed. Susan might not be so lucky.
-         Given that her and Carlos were poor, shouldn’t Gabby take Fran’s destitution as a warning sign to be careful with their new wealth?
-         Bree and Karl's great plan didn't work that well, huh?

Review for this episode is up. Blog version is also available on my Blogspot address. Everybody Says Don’t/If It’s Only In Your Head airs Tuesday at 9pm on RTE2.

The L Word - 6x08: Last Word

Not awful but not the best way to end a series either.

-         No resolution for Jenny’s death though it looks like Alice is gonna be blamed for it.
-         Lots of cameos - Tim, Angus, Molly, Marina, Carmen, Jodi, Phyllis, Joyce, Ivan and Dana got mentioned. Hard not to smile.
-         Bette and Tina had a going away party while Helena and Dylan broke up, plus Kit’s dating the cute drag queen as well.
-         Loved that Tasha chose Alice and that Shane uncovered many of Jenny’s lies as well.

The L Word tribute blog can be read here...

The Week In Who (Contains Spoilers)

-         Both Billie Piper and Camille Coduri have filmed their piece for the finale and Ood Sigma is also there as well. Not everything is as you expect it.
-         Watch the finale of Tonight’s The Night for a special scene with Captain Jack and a lucky winner.
-         Gareth David-Lloyd and Eve Myles have done readings for upcoming Torchwood audio novels, The Sin Eater and In The Shadows.
-         David Tennant will be hosting PBS’s Masterpiece Contemporary when it returns in October for US viewers. The movie 1939 has been renamed Glorious 1939.
-         A special edition of DWM magazine called 200 Golden Moments is out now.
-         Recent interview with Matt Smith can be found here …

Song Of The Blog

Green Day - Know Your Enemy

Latest single from them.

skins, lost, ashes to ashes, tv selection, brothers and sisters, buffy the vampire slayer, dexter, tv tome blog, lgbt tv, desperate housewives, doctor who

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