Written by Matt Donnelly And Mark Holsey
Directed by Michael Morris
Not a bad episode, very pleasant in parts of it.
The Sarah and Luc stuff needs to flow more organically because I still can't get into them as a couple. The Walkers seem too quick to accept and BFF him all of a sudden and the green card marriage thing, of course that was coming.
Actually impressed with Ginnie though. She doesn't have romantic designs on Luc and that's a relif but they didn't marry and Luc still has to sort his visa out so I hope they do it the legal way.
That security guard who wasn't moved by Nora's honest speech to Sarah was hilarious. Can he come back?
Who the hell is York, really? Nora obviously knows more than she's letting on and she seemed rather freaked/uncomfortable everytime either Saul or Holly probed her about it. And she definitely knows more about Narrow Lake as well.
Is this the end of Buffy? I could sort of tolerate her in this one, though the fact that she kept undermining Kitty did grate in places.
Kevin and Robert's BFFness has always seemed a little on the forced side of things but I am so glad that Kevin no longer works for him and that Robert accepted it in the end.
Justin and Rebecca's problems had more emotional weight this season compared to any other. 8/10.
Review ...