To Love Is To Bury, Youll Be The Death Of Me, Tech Woes

Oct 13, 2009 13:17

As blogs go, I am trying to do my best to be recent but when your computer decides to go on the fritz, it sure don't help matters.

Nine days without my computer and after three attempts, the guy at my local repair shop finally managed to fix it without seriously denting my bank account. No, seriously, kudos to the guy because I was certainly at my wits end. Now I'm catching up with reviews so if you see an influx of stuff on here and Blogspot, you'll know why.

I've been reading in the papers about the deaths of Kevin McGee and Stephen Gately and like many people, I was surprised upon reading them. Both were very young men (in their early thirties) and it's always a shock. Condolences to their respective families.

No matter how much I try, I can't sit through either The X Factor or Strictly Come Dancing. It's not that either of them are bad or that I have a million other things to do on a Saturday, I just can't be bothered to watch either of them. And with the amount of coverage they get in the papers anyway, do I need to bother?

Race row edit: Anton DeBeke. Anton DeBerke more like. Laila Rouss has handled that far better than I think she had to. My little soapbox on the matter. As for Dannii outing Danyl, I thought everyone knew about him being bisexual. Didn't he hint it at large at the beginning? Still stupid of Dannii though.

Stargate Universe and Life On Mars US - I wanted to like both of them but neither grabbed me. I couldn't sit still during the first one and I kept despairing over the noteworthy changes in the latter. I'll probably do something on Live Journal about the latter show though. There's also Modern Family, Hung and NCIS: Los Angeles to look into as well in the next week or two.

Not that I'm criticising but how did Primeval manage to get a further two seasons when months before, ITV were ready to wipe their hands clean off it? Talk about miracles happening.

Also a week for UK viewers until the second season of Dollhouse pops up on Sci-Fi and unless FOX are generous, don't hold out for a third season. The ratings have not improved.

Book recommendation - seriously read How To Break Bad News by Jarlath Regan. It's absolutely funny (albeit a little politically incorrect). The guy devised greeting cards for every situation imaginable. One little gem includes …

My love for you goes on and on and on and on and on … a bit like one of your stories.

He has a website here …

Merlin - 2x02-2x04: The Once And Future Queen/The Nightmare Begins/Lancelot And Guinevere

Three episodes that I can get into. Well, two I really got into.

- The jousting one with Arthur felt decidedly filler to me. Not in a good way.
- Merlin came close to outing himself to Morgana. Probably best that he stayed quiet.
- Lancelot backed down when he realised that Arthur had feelings for Gwen. Damn, I wanted him to stay.
- Uther is still the least interesting or developed character on this show and he usually gets the same amount of camera time as Gaius.

Beauty And The Beast airs on Saturday at 6.10pm on BBC1 from October 24th.

True Blood - 1x11/1x12: To Love Is To Bury/You'll Be The Death Of Me

Two excellent final episodes worthy of repeat viewing.

- Sookie and Sam actually made for a fun team, though no romance between them pleased.
- Tara finally has a supernatural story with Maryann. I wonder what she's gonna do with Sam.
- Jessica is a hoot and a half. Bratty, yes but definitely a lot of fun.
- Rene as the killer was fine. I liked that his fate was more grisly compared to what happened to him in the book.
- The Fellowship Of The Sun are obviously going to be a big problem next year. Don't let Lafayette be dead.

Review for both episodes are up now. Season 1 currently airs Wednesdays at 10pm on Channel 4 and is available on DVD from October 26th. Review for Dead To The World can be read here …


- I'm planning Season 2 reviews within the next week so I'll be blogging about each episode I see/review.
- Stephen Moyer recently said he'd like to do a gay storyline with Bill and Eric and approved of the triangle with them and Sookie.
- Alan Ball has said that a character we won't miss will be killed in the third season. The character of Alcide is also supposed to be showing up as well.

Series Preview

The Sarah Jane Adventures - Season 3

Starring: Elisabeth Sladen, Thomas Knight, Daniel Anthony, and Anjli Mohindra.
Start Date: Thursdays/Fridays at 4.35pm on BBC1 from October 15th.
Synopsis: In her latest season, alien fighter Sarah Jane finds that her life on Bannerman Road does continue to be adventure. Not only is she encountering the Judoon and a prisoner of theirs but there's also The Doctor and the Trickster on her wedding and the return of the Slitheen with their cousins, the Blathereen to contend with.
Yay/Nay: I know I'm biased but I'm so going with the yay response here. The series has continued to go from strength to strength and this third season sounds excellent. Having The Doctor and the Trickster finally face off is one thing, but there's also going to be some insight into Rani as well and Mona Lisa of things. These are going to be a very fun filled six weeks.
The Week In Who (Spoilers)

- Above is the logo planned for the show's fifth season. You can watch the trailer and see some Season 5 spoiler photos here …
- Reviews for the second season of The Sarah Jane Adventures are here …
- David Tennant and Simon Pegg are both starring in Hare And Burke, a movie about two serial killers.
- Billie Piper will be appearing in A Passionate Woman for BBC1 about a housewife who embarks on an affair with her Polish neighbour.
- Karen Gillan can be seen in The Well, right here …
- Barry Letts also passed away at the age of 84.

Songs Of The Blog

Sugababes - About A Girl

First single with Jade McEwan and its fairly good.


Snow Patrol - Just Say Yes

I guess this means a new album on the way, then. Great song.

merlin, life on mars, music, true blood, books, tech stuff, tv tome blog, the sarah jane adventures

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