Yes, that means there's some spoilers as we get closer and closer to airing of Glee's fifth season for both US and UK viewers.
I've looked around and so far I have not managed to find any prominent cast shots for the upcoming fifth season or any individual ones of the characters. I do hope that FOX intend to release some fairly soon but until now, here's one (including the late Cory Monteith as Finn) until I can find some.
Here's a nice picture of Darren Criss (Blaine), Jacob Artist (Jake), Blake Jenner (Ryder) and Chord Overstreet (Sam) as opening episode, Love, Love, Love is focusing big time on Beatlemania. Various songs that will be performed in the episode (which is getting it's own album - no surprises there) include Help (Blaine/Sam), Go To Get You Into My Life (Blaine/Kurt) and Yesterday (Rachel) to name a few but there are more than will be spread out over the second episode, Tina In The Sky With Diamonds.
Songs in that episode will include Santana and Dani (Demi Lovato, playing the former's love interest this season) perform Here Comes The Sun. Other spoilers for the upcoming season include a resolutuion to Blaine's attempted proposal to Kurt, Sue returning to McKinley in a new role, the return of Roz, the departure of Emma, a new mean girl in Bree (Erinn West), a love interest for Sam named Penny (Phoebe Strole), Tina bidding for Prom Queen, Rachel and Santana working in a Broadway diner and of course the third episode titled, The Quarterback will be a tribute episode to Finn and actor Cory Monteith before the show goes on break for a bit (it's back in November). Overall, it looks like there's quite a bit will be happening in the first three episodes of the season.
Season 5 Promo: 5 Spoilers: Glee's fifth season will air Thursdays at 9pm on FOX from September 26th and Fridays at 8pm on Sky1 from October 4th.