Being Human - The Trinity

Feb 04, 2013 20:01

Written by Toby Whithouse
Directed by Philip John

Loved that opening episode. The old gang may be gone but this new trio are fantastic and more than keep things interesting.

Interesting selection of villains this year as well. Crumb is a little divisive for me. He's a bit broad comedy wise and that could grate from time to time and it did a little here but I am interested in the whole victim who suddenly gets superpowers dynamic they seem to be throwing around with him.

The Men In Grey/Dominic Rook are definitely more interesting than Kemp and Jaggatt were in the second series. I think I love Rook a little - ruthlessly stabbing someone with a pen, trying to get Hal onside and even his conversations with Hetty, Crumb and Alistair were interesting. Can't wait to find out more about him.

The best of the bunch though is Captain Hatch, despite him having very little to actually do in the episode. He's the perfect Devil and the last scene by getting Sophie to write He Will Rise was a great way of setting things up with him.

As for the gang - I love Alex. She really does fit the gang so well and it's nice that we saw her grief and anger and I think she had every right to direct some of it towards Hal and Rook as well.

Tom as per usual was brilliant. I think he's a wonderful character and such a kind soul. Although I can see why Alex might have found his old fashioned attitude with women a little patronising.

This was an interesting episode for Hal as well - turning Crumb, interacting with Rook, his flashbacks with Catherine and Emil, being somewhat responsible for the Devil as well. How did this show ever manage without him really?

Nice cameo from Toby Whithouse as well and I like the Barry Grand Hotel as a central location for the chaos this year. Patsy's constant flirting with Hal though was a little tiresome but not a big deal though, 9/10.

Review ...

being human

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