Revenge - Confidence

Oct 15, 2012 19:58

Written by Gretchen J. Berg And Aaron Harberts
Directed by J. Miller Tobin

This episode wasn't as good as the previous two but it was rather enjoyable nonetheless though.

I already love Aiden. Yes, Barry Sloane isn't the greatest actor in the world but the character's both likeable and interesting enough that unlike Jack nowadays, he really does hold his own with Emily.

Plus, the cat and mouse antics with Emily in both flashbacks and present day are actually interesting to watch. Please don't kill him off too soon or let him be a raging psychopath. I'll even forgive him attacking Nolan just this once as well.

Speaking of Nolan, I loved his scenes with Emily and the way she promised to thank him one day. That totally floored me in a good way.

Still not sure about Padma but she seems likeable enough and I like her scenes with Nolan so it works out well enough.

Jack is beginning to bore him big time. I used to like him, now he's grating. The way he treats Amanda is seriously irritating me as a viewer and this episode was the last straw as well. She could do better than him.

Victoria's ability to keep landing on her feet borders on the ridiculous but at the same time, I am amazed with the depths she'll sink to keep herself afloat.

Daniel is starting to wise up a little and I hope we do get more scenes with Charlotte/Emily/Amanda as well. Conrad pulling out the wedding surprise was amusing though.

Kara and WHM are together? Interesting. I have a feeling that Aiden is screwed as well, given that he made contact with her in this one, 7/10.

Review ...


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