Doctor Who - Series 7 And She's Back

Apr 28, 2012 14:46

I should've put these ones up a few days ago but here are some spoiler pics for Series 7 that I'm sure have been seen at this point. Massive spoilers, so look away if you don't want to know.

River Song is back in all her glory and if that dress is an indicator, then it's a River from The Time Of Angels/Flesh And Stone as well. However, she's outside the TARDIS at a graveyard, which cannot be good. Apparently, it's not as Rory is supposed to have been sent back in time, courtesy of a Weeping Angel, resulting in a rather drastic decision from Amy as well.

Elsewhere, it's been announced that actor Mike McShane will be playing a villain in Amy and Rory's final episode as well. As of now, both episodes 1 and 5 have completed filming and according to Karen Gillan's recently Twitter update, they're currently reading for episode 4, penned by Chris Chibnall. We really are getting towards the end of the era for the Ponds now.

Meanwhile, after filming for the fourth episode is completed, filming for the Christmas special, the first episode to feature Jenna-Louise Coleman's as of yet unnamed companion will begin. I have to admit I am increasingly looking forward to seeing her and Matt Smith on screen together, regardless of what her character will be or what she'll be called.

Doctor Who returns to BBC1 later in 2012.

jenna louise coleman, alex kingston, karen gillan, arthur darvill, matt smith, doctor who

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