Top 40 TV Characters Part 7

Apr 22, 2012 14:02

And here's Part 7 of the list ....

6: Kevin Walker (Matthew Rhys) - Brothers And Sisters

Easily the best thing about the ABC family drama that ran for five seasons. Kevin was a breath of fresh air when it came to gay characters on television and his relationship with Scotty is one of the best TV pairings ever done, though I might be in a humble minority there.

7: David Fisher (Michael C. Hall) - Six Feet Under

Okay, maybe a precursor to Kevin Walker and certainly a precursor to a certain other role that Michael C.Hall will end up playing in later years, but David Fisher was both a neurotic mess at times and an absolute joy to watch as well. The repeats on SkyAtlantic have certainly attested to that.

8: Tara Maclay (Amber Benson) - Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Oh, Tara - even ten years on since Warren shot you in the back has your death made me want to weep. Damn. The most level headed, compassionate character on TV deserved a better ending than that but for three out of the seven seasons of Buffy, Tara and Willow formed one of the most poignant relationships on television.

9: Santana Lopez (Naya Rivera) - Glee

Okay, so the show may be in a hit and miss stage but even the most cynical of fans will have to admit that anything involving this fiery lady is ten times more interesting than the increasingly dullness of Finchel and this season we've had her dealing with her sexuality, ripping Will a new one over his lax teaching of her language and Brittany pointing out that being famous for nothing ain't good. Basically whatever the writers have chucked in Santana's direction, Naya Rivera has delivered with aplomb.

10: Lady Mary Crawley (Michelle Dockery) - Downton Abbey

I had a hard time picking from this show, but in the end I realised that the sometimes cold Mary was actually my favourite of the bunch. Yes, she's not always likeable but she's always consistently interesting and now that the writers have progressed her relationship with Matthew, here's hoping there's more interesting place to take her in the upcoming third series.

Part 8 will be up during the week and there'll be an Honourable Mentions blog as well.

buffy the vampire slayer, downton abbey, lgbt tv, glee, six feet under, brothers and sisters

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