Written by Cliff Olin And Michael Morris
Directed by Michael Morris
I liked this episode and I felt bad for Olivia but gee, realistic or not, they more or less made Brian a typical bad guy and I didn't need that to be on Kevin/Scotty's side but what the hey.
So Kevin/Scotty got to keep Olivia. I'm please because they've been dicked about enough times this season and some stability is needed with them. Now can they kiss?
Justin was awesome in this episode. I truly loved all his scenes this week.
Nora looking after Lily and another stray dog. At least it gave Olivia some food for thought.
I want Saul and Jonathan back pleased.
As glad as I am that Kitty/Seth got back together, I was bored with the restaurant scenes and found them a bit embarrassing to be honest.
Sarah and Luc, eh, I'm not that bothered about their wedding plans, 7/10.
Review ....