30 Days Of Who Meme 2011 - Day 11

May 11, 2011 21:59

Day 11: Your Favourite Season

I really struggled with this one because it's so flipping hard to fecking pick one but I'm going with Season 10, cos I think it's Pertwee's era at it's best and it also felt like a beginning of an end feel by the time Jo also takes her leave in the finale. Three's era in general however would be my real answer to this question.

Side note 1: Steven Moffat, I understand where you're coming from but we live in a far more internet savvy world. Spoilers leak, can't be avoided, no matter how damn hard you try.

Side note 2: Can I kidnap Christopher Eccleston and bring him back to Wales to film for the 50th anniversary in 2013? Kinda dismayed he seems adamant not to get his leather jacket out again. I want Nine more than Eight or Ten for the 50th at the moment.

nicholas courtney, christopher eccleston, jon pertwee, memes, doctor who, katy manning, roger delgado

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