1982, 2008, 1982, 2008, Now I’m Confused

Jun 09, 2009 13:10

In case you think I’ve lost the plot, the title of this blog is a reference to the mind bender of a finale that Ashes To Ashes produced last night. I thought only Lost was allowed to be this confusing come finale.

On Friday, I turned 24 and as birthdays go, it was a very good day. I went to the cinema with a few friends to see Last Chance Harvey starring Dustin Hoffman and Emma Thompson. Romantic comedies for me can vary but this was honestly one of the nicest ones I’ve seen in a while. That totally means I’ll have to see something a little less heart warming on my next visit to the flicks.

Other than that, I also went back to a mate’s house for a few drinks and some TV watching. Good times were had. Overall a quite birthday but that was preferable so therefore I was happy.


Big Brother 10 arrived, didn’t score very highly (I heard the ratings were bad, maybe the twists are putting people off) and still has Davina McCall sounding like she needs to be sedated. That woman’s enthusiasm is the antithesis of infectious.

I also caught a bit of the US I’m A Celebrity and apart from like four people, I didn’t recognise who the rest of them were.

So Yasmina won the finale of The Apprentice. Um, good for her. I don’t think I cared about anyone winning though I did like Howard a little. I hear a younger version of the show will air on BBC next year.


A lot seem to be surfacing around recently, ones that are of interest to what I watch myself.

Emilie DeRavin is returning for Lost’s sixth and final season as Claire. I hope to God that Claire actually serves a purpose in the season.

According to Dana Delany in a recent interview, both her and Teri Hatcher are clueless about who Mike’s mysterious bride was in Desperate Housewives. Is there anyone out there who actually cares?

Amy Acker is one of the actors appearing in the new ABC mystery drama Happy Town which means she might not be appearing as much on Dollhouse’s second season.

Alan Tudyk, despite being in V will however be making appearances in Dollhouse and I’ve also read that Joss Whedon is interested in getting Summer Glau to appear on the show but not as a Doll.

Gilles Marini who’ll be appearing in the fourth season of Brothers And Sisters (his character will spark/clash with Sarah) is also slated to appear in Nip/Tuck’s final season. Famke Jansen will also be reprising her role as Ava as well.

Robert Knepper will be appearing as a villain on Heroes fourth season. Claire will also be getting a roommate, a character named Emma will be a love interest for one of the male characters and the season will also be 19 episodes.

Katee Sakhoff and Freddie Prinze Jnr have also been cast in the eighth season of 24.

Billie Doux has written an excellent review for the upcoming FOX drama, Glee. You can read it here … http://billiedoux.blogspot.com/2009/06/glee.html

Ashes To Ashes - 2x07/2x08: Episodes 15 And 16

The last two episodes of this series have been brilliant. Very strong episodes.

-         Martin shooting himself, Alex burying the body and Chris revealed as a traitor were three things that I did not expect.
-         Gene in storyteller mode and trying to wake up Alex from her coma were surreal.
-         Alex back in 2008 but stuck in a coma in 1982. Thank God this show has been renewed for a third and final season.
-         Shaz in a wedding dress with a gun. Iconic, right?

Review for Episode 15 is up and Episode 16 review will be up on Thursday, both here and on Blogspot. Season 2 comes out on DVD in July.

Brothers And Sisters - 3x22: Julia

A decent departure episode but not the best one either.

-         Both Kevin and Nora were a little too quick to tell Julia that she couldn’t move to Seattle.
-         I’m glad Rebecca finally got a clue about Ryan being unhinged. I hope Sarah doesn’t have to suffer for his madness.
-         Robert quickly figured out things between Kitty and Alec. Kitty snogging Alec at the end wasn’t her best move.
-         Can Saul please get something to do other than give advice to Nora?

Review for this episode is on here and Blogspot. Let’s Call The Whole Thing Off airs Thursday at 10pm on More4.

Dollhouse - 1x03: Stage Fright

Not as horrible as I thought it would be. Actually, it was kind of enjoyable.

-         Echo posing as backing singer/bodyguard was great. Poor Sierra should’ve been given some defence moves.
-         Rayna co-operating with her stalker was a little unexpected.
-         It’s interesting that Claire is cynical of Echo’s specialness whereas Boyd/Adelle believe she is and Dominic wants to send her to the Attic.
-         Paul took on gangsters, Victor’s a Doll and probably so is Mellie as well.

Review for this episode is up here and on Blogspot. Grey Hour airs tonight on Sci-Fi at 9pm.

Dexter - 3x07: Easy As Pie

What a superb episode. Full marks to the series for this one.

-         The Dexter/Camilla raised some ethical issues and brought home some personal stuff for me but it was so poignant.
-         I’m glad that Dexter didn’t kill Ellen for Miguel. Miguel is dangerous.
-         Deb made the connection about the Skinner but she shouldn’t have sabotaged things just to save Anton.
-         Angel and Barbara are sweet. Why do other people hate them?

Review for this episode is up here and on Blogspot. The Damage A Man Can Do airs Friday 9pm on FXUK.

Robin Hood - 3x10: Bad Blood

Another good episode. I wasn’t expecting flashbacks.

-         No Kate, Much, Alan, Tuck, John, the Prince and only young Isabella in flashbacks.
-         Robin was quite an obnoxious little kid. No wonder Guy hates him so much. All the way through this episode, I was rooting for Guy.
-         The half-brother Archer means another new player for the final three episodes. I like Clive Standen.
-         A lot of good actors for the guest parts this week, especially Dean Lennox Kelly as Malcolm.

The Enemy Of My Enemy airs Saturday at 6.45pm on BBC1.

The Week In Who (Torchwood Spoilers)

-         Here’s a cover of the third season of Torchwood on DVD. Hope you like.
-         Gareth David-Lloyd was interviewed for Attitude magazine recently. Apparently he wants to appear in shows like Six Feet Under and Dexter.
-         Apparently we are going to meet two other members of Jack’s family this season along with Ianto’s sister and nephew.
-         SFX Magazine have a preview of the third season in their June issue. A date still has yet to be confirmed but it’s July for here and BBC America.
-         Sinead Keenan is another actor who’ll be in the last two specials of Doctor Who. It’s funny because Russell Tovey is also due to appear in them as well.

Songs Of The Blog

Bat For Lashes - Pearl’s Dream

Recent fave of mine.



U2 - Magnificent

Used in Brothers And Sisters and an upcoming single.


lost, torchwood, ashes to ashes, dollhouse, brothers and sisters, dexter, tv tome blog, doctor who

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