Sep 15, 2005 22:47
Inventory > Armor > Varia Suit
The Varia Suit is an advanced Chozo exoskeleton modified for use by Samus Aran.
Samus's Notes:
The Varia Suit provides life-support functions and is well shielded from attack.
The modular nature of the Varia Suit allows for the addition of weapons, Visors, and other gear as needed.
The Varia Suit's shielding loses energy with each hit: collect energy when possible to keep the shielding charged.
Inventory > Armor > Dark Suit
The Dark Suit protects against the toxic atmosphere of Dark Aether.
Samus's Notes:
This modification increases your defensive shielding.
While the Dark Suit can resist the caustic effects of Dark Aether's environment, dark energy attacks will still cause damage.
Inventory > Armor > Light Suit
The Light Suit is a fusion of Luminoth and Chozo battlesuit technology.
Samus's Notes:
The suit is fully resistant to the effects of Dark Aether.
The suit is also invulnerable to the effects of dark water. You can move through it without being impeded.
The Light Suit is able to access the Luminoth energy transport system. You can ride these beams of energy between the regions on Aether.
Inventory > Weapon Systems > Beam Weapons > Power Beam
The Power Beam is the defualt Arm Cannon. It has the best rate of fire.
Press C^ to select the Power Beam as your active weapon.
Samus's Notes:
The Power Beam can be used to open Blue Doors.
If you see your shots ricochet, cease fire. The Power Beam is not working against that target.
You can use the Power Beam to quickly clear an area of weak foes.
Inventory > Weapon Systems > Beam Weapons > Light Beam
The Light Beam can shoot through multiple enemies. Hits from the Light Beam may set enemies on fire.
Press leftC to select the Light Beam as your active weapon.
Samus's Notes:
When ouy of Light Ammo, you can charge the Light Beam to fire a normal shot.
Use the Light Beam to energies Crystals.
The Light Beam is quite effective against dark creatures.
A Light Beam shot will damage foes as long as they are in contact with it.
Charge the Light Beam to fire a Lightblast of white-hot energy. Enemies struck by this blast will burn for a few moments.
The Lightblast costs 5 Light Ammot to fire.
Inventory > Weapon Systems > Beam Weapons > Dark Beam
The Dark Beam fires blasts of shadow energy. Shots from the Dark Beam can hinder enemies and objects as well.
Press Cright to select the Dark Beam as your active weapon.
Samus's Notes:
When out of Dark Ammo, you can charge the Dark Beam to fire a normal shot.
Fire the Dark beam to deactivate Crystals.
Dark Beam blasts have limited effect on Ing and dark creatures.
It takes several hits with the Dark Beam to hinder enemies and enshroud objects with dark matter.
Charge the Dark Beam to fire an Entangler blast. Enemies struck by this blast will be enveloped in shadow tendrils for a few moments, unable to move or fire.
The Entangler costs 5 Dark Ammo to fire.
((And now, my personal favorite :D The name is part of the reason))
Inventory > Weapon Systems > Beam Weapons > Annihilator Beam
The Annhilator Beam fires streams of light and dark energy. This Beam can seek single or multiple enemy targets.
Press vC to select the Annhilator Beam as your active weapon.
Samus's Notes:
When out of Light and Dark Ammo, you can charge the Annhilator Beam to fire a normal shot.
The Annhilator Beam has a high power sonic aspect when fired, which can be used to manipulate sonic-powered devices.
Annhilator Beam shots are very effective against both light and dark enemies.
Charge the Annhilator Beam to fire a Disruptor blast.
This disruptor costs 5 Dark Ammo and 5 Light Ammo to fire.
Inventory > Weapon Systems > Beam Weapons > Charge Beam
The Charge Beam allows you to increase the damage and effectiveness of the Arm Cannon.
Press and hold A charge the Arm Cannon, then release A to fire.
Samus's Notes:
The Charge Beam has a limited "tractor beam" capacity. Use it to pull small objects to you.
There are Charge Combo enhancements scattered through the environment. They use the Charge Beam and the Missle Launcher in tandem to fire more effective blasts.
The Charge Beam increases the performance of each Arm Cannon mode.
I'll type up the Combos and the Multimissle Launcher in the next one.
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