Would you like some cheese with that?

May 26, 2010 16:12

Dear San Francisco Public Library,

What do you MEAN there is only one copy of The Mauritius Command and it is already checked out? You have like 500 copies of The Ionian Mission just sitting there. You are making me sulk. What am I supposed to EVEN DO WITH MYSELF? ::weeps::

Tragically yours,


Dear Period,

Ok, I knew that you were coming just in time for WisCon, and I know you always like to arrange yourself to coordinate starting up with my travel. So on the one hand, I'm really grateful that you started this morning, not tonight while I'm in the air.

But did you really have to get your lethargy all over my last productive day at work before leaving? That's not nice at all.


Dear Color-Coded To-Do Lists,

You make everything better. Marry me?


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