Aug 28, 2004 04:21

Yeah...lack of updates again. My laziness should stop. But whatever, time for probably yet another long update due to the lack of them.

Let's see....monday. Yeah. Sat around the house most of the afternoon. Eric randomly showed up at 5ish. Hung with him. Skated for like 5 seconds. Saw a cat get hit by a killed. Buried it in the sand with Eric and the gay skater kids that made it get hit. Came back. Jammed. Went for a walk. He ended up sleeping over. Yep.

Tuesday, Eric left around 2:30. Lyndsey then came over about an hour later. Spent the rest of the day with her. Until about 8 anyway....then the rest of the guys in WWB decided to crash my house. Fucking assholes. Ended up jamming with them. Hanging around, some good laughs like always. Lyndsey left around 9. The guys left about a half hour later. That's about it.

Wednesday was my birthday. Lyndsey came over. Spent my birthday with her. Wouldn't have had it any other way. I love being with her.

Thursday Chris came over around noonish. We hadn't hung out in soooooo long. We used to hang all the time. Good fucking times always. Just like the good ol' days. Hell talking about the old days too. So many laughs bro. Damn. He left around 6. Band practice for ND was at 7. Got alot done. Practice ended around 10. Went to Scott's after that. Skated home around 11:30. That was it for thursday.

Today I slept in. Family came over for my birthday shit or whatever around 5. Once that was done Booker, Manny, and Colton came over. Booker and Manny to jam...Colton...just for the hell of it I guess. We actually skated for a good half hour before we came in. Then we realized we wanted a working mic. So we all went to Daddy's to pick up a mic chord for the old PA. Booker bought it. I picked up a few pairs of drum sticks since I'm running low. Came back, jammed for a good hour and a half. Did more recordings. Most of them came out sick as hell. Me and Booker's faster version of kingsford = sick as hell. My drums sounded awesome too. They all left around 10 - 10:30. And yep....that's about the past week....again.

Lyndsey's coming over sometime tomorrow afternoon...then we're going to see Without a Paddle tomorrow night. :) Six Flags sunday with pops. Monday fucking WWB is practicing. That's it. I just made the plans.

SHITLOAD OF GOOD SHOWS COMING UP. And you better believe I'm going to all of them. Fucking Unearth and Black Dahlia Murder September 24th - Every Time I Die October 3rd - Story of the Year October 28th - And fucking November 18th I'm going to see Atreyu again >:) with fucking Funeral for a Friend. Nigga fucking what.

But's getting pretty late so uh...I'm gonna attempt to go to sleep.
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