Aug 09, 2004 03:01

WOOOOW. Oh man...I'm soooooooo goddamn hyper. Yeah no updates lately oh well. But I'm bored now so might as well I guess.

Uh...I can't remember what the fuck I did friday. haha. So I'm just gonna fast forward to saturday.

Saturday was cool. Practice for WWB at Tyler's from about 3 till 6. Fun always. Then came home n had practice for ND until 9ish. Some gooood stuff at that practice. haha. Kyle left to do something (I don't remember what), and Craig left at around 7. While Kyle was gone Booker, Bruce, and I had some sick ass jamming going on haha. We played so many random songs...back in black, some audioslave song, rage against the machine, n some other fuckin old song haha. So hilarious with Bruce singing. Oh man, then we did our own versions of the hospital bombers and the illegal immigrant rock song. Dude they're sick. haha. Classic stuff right there...and Booker can sing..pretty damn good. Got a scream too. YEAH BOOKER. Ah Colton randomly showed up during practice too. Me, him and Booker watched some of Napolean Dynamite on Booker's laptop. Pretty funny. Then Booker and Colton walked around for a bit being jackasses...that was about it for saturday.

Today was pretty good. Had to go to my mom's fundraiser thingy at 12. Ended up getting to leave at 2 though rather than staying all afternoon. So me and Colton went down to the little portuguese thing they had going on at the dyke down my street haha. Good times. Oh man. Highlight of that - me fuckin ghetto dancing n shit and having random gangstas walk/drive by and "give me props" hahaha. Oh man...funny shit. But then went to the uh..dinner thingy for the fundraiser...good food. mmm. Came home and yep...that was today.

And I'm so glad shit has calmed down. WAAAY too much bullshit going on last night. But's good...for now.

Goddamn this is a long update..but I am fucking I'm gonna keep going. Darkest Hour is really good. OH YEAH!! Espn finally asked Maleni out. WOOOOO go Maleniiii. haha. Espn's a good man.

Hmm....I think we blew the pa head..or overheated it saturday or something...because it doesn't turn on anymore : X. Which isn't good at all. Hopefully I can get that working before tuesday.

Ah WWB practice I'll have the house to myself allll day. Sick shit right there...

.....ok now I realize that I am doing nothing but rambling on and on about nothing. So I'm gonna do something more productive.

PEACE with two fingaaaaz
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