Dec 15, 2015 11:29
I got ALL the holiday sopping done for everyone yesterday. AND. I got the grocery shopping for the month done. AND. I got all the bills paid for the month. Of course the whole time Mother is complaining about how she should be at home baking cookies. One day lady, one day out of the entire month is all I asked for to get all this crap done. She stopped complaining when we went to pick her out a new pair of work out shoes. I also got her this nice wrap for winter.
Oh, and she did get most of the baking done yesterday. Although how we are going to eat that many sweets is beyond me. We are talking containers of cookies here, and she is still making something called bark, well, she started to make something called bark, then she had to go to some brunch thing. The ingredients are all over the kitchen for when she gets back.
Now, Brandon wants a PS3 Network card instead of the cash I was going to give him, so I am just going to take the cash I have out and go exchange it for that card. He wants to get the last of the DLC content for 'Dragon Age'. I also got him one of those small hair groomers, the ones for like stray hairs you can reach with a razor. He mentioned wanting one awhile back. It's a small extra gift because that PS3 card is $50 but it's a something to open gift.
For Ashley I got games. Her last school had games and she liked them a lot. Her new school being for older kids doesn't have the same kind of stuff. I found some of the same games she liked the best! 'Break the Ice' was one of her favorites at her old school. Honestly she has all the cars in the world. Or, it feels like she does. Looking at Walmart, Target, and CVS, there might be one or two cars in all those stores she doesn't have, but I didn't feel like trying to remember out of hundreds of cars, which one or two cars she doesn't have. Games are good.
Too exhausted from being gone all day yesterday to wrap anything when I got home. I still cooked steak, Brussels sprouts and corn for the family. And made people Ice cream sundaes. But no wrapping I'll get to it, hopefully today.
I found a new Netflix original to watch while vegging out last night. I am just going to wrap it up today. Before after and during wrapping up presents today. 'Atelier' it's in Japanese, but there are subtitles of course. It's about the lingerie fashion industry in Japan, and most particularly the struggles of a quiet honest boutique that designs all original lingerie going up against the big industries, and mass production. I got more then halfway done in one night, it should be easy to finish it off today. If you have Netflix and that sounds interesting you might want to check it out.
Washed the dogs already this morning, yay, clean dogs. Lots to do today, time to read journals and maybe eat something.