Feb 21, 2006 00:51
I applied at Curious Coho Books today, and actually got an interview this evening... Since I had already gone through the process before, and since I know John pretty well, the interview went alot more like a conversation than anything else...
He seemed to see marked improvement in my presentation as compared to the last time he interviewed me, 2 years ago... notably since I cut my hair short... I guess it shows him that I'm taking serious lengths (no pun intended) to get a job...
I think it's safe to say that he finally said to me what most people refuse to, and which I myself have just been denying for ages... "your resumé is terrible."
I've been prancing around town for nearly a year now with a plain, generic resumé and wondering why no one is even calling for interviews. I knew my resumé was bad, but I figured anything more wasn't worth the effort... after all, I had gotten jobs with the same style resumés before... you know, crappy, basic jobs that a trained baboon could do. The kind I keep complaining about because of their lack of transferrable skills.
I am a fool...
and I don't know how to handle interviews either... I second-guess myself too much, and never take the chance to say anything good about myself. I hate selling myself... I don't know how... I've gotten help with resumés before and gotten paranoid when anything that might even remotely oversell me came up, afraid that it would be seen as a bold-faced lie. I'm bad at thinking I'm good at anything. I'm an autocritic, and I don't know if I'll ever be able to sell myself without wishing I was there to punch the smarmy grin right off my fucking face.
That being said, John wasn't overly impressed with what I appeared to have to offer, however, he told me that if I can bring in a good resumé and a hand-written cover letter, he will consider me for a position available at the end of March. He's clearly giving me a huge break, and he's tried to give me the benefit of the doubt every time I've gone in there, so I really don't want to let him -or myself down.
John, clearly, is not your average employer, and I'm so thankful for that... I think I'd end up pretty screwed for another year or so if I'd been allowed to continue that crap.
There's something to be said for the Simon Cowell approach.
...yeah, I watch American Idol. What the fuck are you staring at?